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"I wish I can tell you that the mission is simple. But it's not." Said Darreth getting rid of his sunglasses.

The four of us were sitting in front of him in chairs.

"Yeah. It is. In case no one told you, we got what we need to stop Nadakhan on the island. After we go up there to save Jay, we take care of business. Simple." Said Cole.

"And when you fly your fancy elemental dragons up there, just how long do you think the four of you are gonna last against an entire crew of Sky pirates?" Asked Darreth getting a little too close to me and Nya.

"Then we get all the help we need and hit them with brute force. The commissioner said we'd have his department at our disposal." Said Nya as the said man arrived.

"You have my department at your disposal. Just say the word." Said the commissioner.

"Then the word is 'Goodbye.' As in say goodbye to Jay when they see us all coming. No, this mission is not simple. But it's not impossible. Not without the help of a little magic. Movie magic." Said Darreth putting his his glasses on again.

"Move...magic...?" I questioned as Nya shrugged at me.

(So basically they're going to get the group some disguises so they can intercept into whatever Nadakhan is doing to Jay as pirates. They got a map from Jay who wrote a message behind it making the team to build an exact replica of a ship.)


We were all disguised as Sky pirates to get in the main ship.

(You're pirate name is Beryl Bree since Beryl means: light or green gemstone. And Bree: for strength and fierce, but still beautiful!)

"Alright. We're close. You have the venom, Cole. I mean Black Blood." Said Lloyd.

"Sure do, but aren't you supposed to keep quiet, Mutt the Mute?" Teased Cole while holding the venom.

"Don't waste an once of that stuff, Black Blood. We may only have one shot here." I said as I poked Cole who actually felt my touch and was moved.

"I'll be fine, Beryl Bree~" he teased back as I only smiled.

"I don't like this... I don't like this at all..." said Nya being scared out of her wits right now.

"What's wrong, Nya? I've never seen you so afraid?" I asked.

"True. You usually are more calm in situations like this while we freak out." Said Cole.

"I just hope Jay's alright. It's been so long. We don't even know if he's—" said Nya getting super worried.

"Don't say that, girl. He'll be okay. He's JJ, I'm sure he's just doing fine. He's probably complaining about us taking our time to save him. And plus, we've lost too many. We're not gonna lose him." I encouraged her and the group.

"Alright, it's showtime. I'll bring her in close." Said Nya as she tried to direct the ship near another so Cole can grab onto it. But he soon fell making me yell.

"Cole!" I yelled and gasped that the venom fell but he caught it making all us sigh in relief.


"What's taking them so long?" Asked Nya as I sighed.

"Don't ask me. I'm not supposed to talk." Answered Lloyd.

"Well, I'm getting worried..." I said as I worried over my boyfriend and best friend.

"That's where the other zeppelin is. Oh, hiding away so the new b-blood can steal a break, eh? Don't worry. I won't tell. What be your names?" Said a stuttering Serpentine.

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