A Mayor Problem

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"Tell them I'm not here. Better yet, tell them I'm out sick! I've got a cold." Said the mayor trying to get out of a conversation with us.

"We can see you, Sir." Concluded Lloyd with a face and me copying it.

"Ohoho, those Ninja. Why didn't you say so?! Come in, fellas. Sorry about the mix-up. Oh, and hello to you too, Miss Guardian!~" smiled the new mayor before he bowed to me and directed us closer in the room.

"Why thank you, mister mayor." I smiled slightly but didn't push it as I quickly went to take Cole's side.

"What can I do for you?" He smiled nervously.

"Well, Sir, it's about our friend, Nya..." stared my brother.

"She's the heart of our team! Part of the heart my bestie here created! And we thought we lost her defending Ninjago." Continued on Jay as he quickly pulled me into view before taking me out making me yelp but I was relieved Cole was able to catch me as quickly as possible.

"But we just discovered we have a chance to save her and bring her back!" Concluded Cole.

"Oh! That's great! Really, really great! I'm gonna play through with it, keep talking. I'm listening." Said the mayor trying to get a put in during his small golf session.

"But we need Aspheera's help. So we have to let her out of Kryptarium." Continued Lloyd.

That made the mayor do a double take, "Aspheera?! As in Aspheera-who-destroyed-half-the-city-with-her-lava-serpent-army-Aspheera?" Specified the mayor.

"Yeah, her. Oh, and we also need her staff, which is locked up at Borg Tower. She can't use her powers without it." Smiled Jay.

"Can't help." Concluded the mayor turning away.

"Look, we know Aspheera is dangerous, but we'll be watching her the entire time. We promise to protect Ninjago!" Cole tried to reason with the new mayor but he wasn't having it.

"Like you protected it from they video-game thing? And the giant sea-serpent? And those creepy black clouds?" Asked the mayor.

"Yes, exactly." Smiled Jay.

"Wow. You really are good at picking up on sarcasm." 'Praised' Kai.

"Thanks, Kai!" Smiled Jay in thanks.

"The city wasn't really in ruins, at least we were able to rebuild some parts and go on with the rest of our day. But at least we're trying!" I fought back a little harsher than intended making the mayor give me a fearful look as I got a signal that Cole was to pick me up and put me next to him and away for the victim.

"Sir, please, we need to save Nya! After all she's done for this city, we owe it to her!" Fought back my brother.

"And I ow it to all the little people who voted for me, not to let one of the worst villains in this city's history out of prison. Now if you don't mind I gotta get back ti work." Conclude the mayor pushing Lloyd with his golf stick a bit.

"Forget It, Lloyd. Don't brother." Sighed Cole as I gave him a sorrowful look before following the team.

The cat hissed at us making me hiss back as it shrieked in fear making me smile in my mind.


"If the mayor won't let Aspheera out of Krptarium, legally, then we have to break her out, illegally." Started Lloyd as Zane was on duty on keeping Nya's shape.

"Lloyd, I cannot condone this. This is not the way to help Nya." Argued Master Wu.

"What other choices is there?! We're out of options, Master Wu. It's this, or nothing." He argued back to his uncle who only shook his head in shame.

The Guardian of Light (A Ninjago Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz