The Gift of Jay

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It was nighttime as I built a fire to keep us warm.

Lloyd put some mud on his face as I did but I drew the mud as lines that go vertically instead.

"What's that for?" Asked Twitchy.

"Camouflage." Responded Lloyd.

"You're going out THERE?! Are you both nuts?!" Yelled Mr. Batterson as he grabbed me and Lloyd's collars.

"We don't have a choice, Twitchy. Our friends need us. And we could use all the help we can get." I smiled holding gently his shoulder as Lloyd gave me a look making me nod.

"Let's go." He said as I nodded.

"Forget it! Wanna know how I survived on this island for so long? *Zap* By not taking chances." Explained the ex tour guide.

We were about to head out as I gave Lloyd a motion to speech him up as he sighed, "Twitchy, I know you're scared, but if we work together, we can rescue the others, find me and my sister's mom, and get off this island."

"You forgot our precious uncle who is also our Master and Clutch Powers, even though I don't like him that much." I added in as Lloyd gave me an offended look that I interrupted his speech moment making me laugh at the face he made before apologizing and made him continue.

"Yeah...and our uncle...AND Clutch Powers." He added in with a roll of his eye when he said Mr. Powers.

"All we have to do is sneak into their village, break them out, and..." continued Lloyd before Twitchy started to spasm even more than usual.

"Mr. Batterson? Are you alright?" I asked walking up to him as Lloyd followed me.

"What's all that for? Camouflage?" He asked as I remembered he can have memory loss when he spasms too much.

"Oh, great." Groaned Lloyd before his privacy was invaded by the twitchy man, "You're going out THERE?! ARE YOU BOTH NUTS?!" He yelled before moving away from my brother.

"Twitchy, we get it. You've been knocked down. A lot. But that doesn't mean you have to stay down. You're stronger than that." Finished Lloyd as he put his face mask on and moved his head towards the exit for me to follow him as I smiled and nodded.

"Wether the amount of times you're knocked down or not. Always get back up, that's what your enemies and foes don't want you to do. They want to make you stay down so you'll be easier to destroy than a person protesting against them." I started as he turned away from me.

"I believe you can be that person who stands up over and over again, Twitchy. I really do. I better get going before my brother gets too far away from me. Think about it ok?" I said finished the small speech to him as I soon used my powers to fly out of the cage to catch up to Lloyd and son continued to move with him on foot.


I continued my way through the jungle on foot as I jumped from tree to tree with Lloyd not too far from me as I landed on a large branch, steadying myself before slowly rising to my normal height and looked around the large patch of leaves and trees.

Lloyd gave me a signal to use my Light Vision as I nodded and closed my eyes to see the right path to take so we won't get caught.

I opened my eyes to see a path of light guiding me, I made a motion to my brother to follow me as he nodded and used a vine to catch up to me as I jumped from a high place to land on a lower branch and continued my path with guidance from the light.

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