Special: "Lego Ninjago - The Movie"

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(This will be in your POV! The start of the story will be in 3rd person! I'll show the POV of the Ninja aka Lloyd's group sometimes too!)

"Another vicious attack from none other than Lord Garmadon himself on the Ninjago City. Experts as usual request all citizens to stay indoors and look out for the Ninja for safety." A man on the screen spoke in the radio, TV and other stations.

"Looks I arrived at a better time then ever."

"Morning, mom." Smiled Lloyd to his mother, Koko.

"Oh! Morning sweetie! How was your sleep? And happy birthday!" Greeted Koko as she hugged her son.

"Good. And thanks. So? Since that I'm sixteen now...I was suggesting on something." Thanked Lloyd after he was let go and went to eat.

"Hm? What's that?" Replied Koko.

"What if I didn't go to school today? Like, like, what if I just stayed home for a few days?" Nervously asked Lloyd.

"Stay home? Oh, no, no, honey. You have to go the school. I want my baby to be educated! Now go pack your bag and remember what the Ninja always say." Lloyd's mother politely dismissed his idea of skipping school and told him to pack his things.

"Run, duck and hide. I know. And also find the nearest building to hide in. Simple." Answered the secret Ninja.

"Great! I prepared your favourite! Now hurry, the bus will leave soon. Love you." Koko quickly pushed her son and gave him a quick kiss for goodbye.

"Okay, okay I'm off. Love you too!" Lloyd ran out of the door and waited for the bus.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Lloyd tried to be polite to some other school goers but was just given some glares at it seems that they've started texting about him being a nuisance and near them.

"Great...!" The blonde tried to play it as it was nothing but it wasn't...But there was nothing he could do.

Once the bus arrived everyone started to move away from the boy.

'This is going to be one heck of a day. Again...' sighed Lloyd.


"Thank you very much for transferring here!" Said the principal as the new student smiled.

"Of course! And don't worry, no bad things will be heard of me." Assured the student before they opened the door and bid goodbye to the principal.

As soon as they opened the door, many students were seen playing around, running around and just mainly talking before classes started.

'Geez...this is going to take a while to find him- Oh! Never mind! I guess he stands out!' The new student soon started to run towards Lloyd and his friends.

"Ah! Kai! You're crushing me!" Shouted Lloyd as his friend gave him a so called 'birthday hug'.

"Let me get in on that." Said Zane getting behind Lloyd making the blonde male turn pale, "Zane, Zane? No..."

"Yes, I will increase the squeezing to the max." He replied before squeezing both Kai and Lloyd.

"Yeah!" Kai wasn't as bothered by the hug sandwich while Lloyd is on the brink of death.

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