Misfortune Rising

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"Well, if you guys can't find it, then get out of there you guys!" Whisper-yelled Nya.

"Get out of here? But we just got here." Protested Cole as Nya probably heard me sigh.

"She didn't mean to you Cole." I answered.

"Did you find Nadakhan's ship?" She asked.

"Not exactly. But there is evidence of it. Looks like some repairs were made. But this is strange. What is electrical wiring doing on an old pirate ship?" Asked my brother as he gave me the parts that look more modern that what you'd find on a ship like Nadakhan's.

"Maybe it already set off to sea?" Asked Cole.

"I'm getting no readings of it anywhere. You'd think a big pirate ship would get someone's attention." Said Nya.

"Hey, we're in Ninjago, Nya. They'll probably think it's just another day in Ninjago." I said.

"If Nadakhan's ship's not here, and it's not out there, where is it?" Asked Lloyd.

"Good question." Answered Nya as I heard something from the communication.

"Guys, let's meet the others at a spot in the city where no one will notice us." Said my brother as me and Cole nodded and soon used our Power Dragons to head to our secret meetup spot.


We soon made it as I drank my drink that I ordered, "Ugh. I'm so tired of sneaking around." Complained Kai.

"Easy, Kai. We're all itching to get back into action. But so far two of our own have gone missing, and none of us have yet to lay an eye on him." Said Lloyd.

"My brother's right. We can't do anything reckless until we actually set eyes on this Djinn. He's bad news if you're alone. We've got to be ready and careful at all times." I said as I placed my drink back down as I saw Jay seem a bit sad making me mentally say to myself that I'll cheer him up later on.

"If only we knew someone who had faced him and could tell us what to expect." Said Zane as I sighed sadly that my uncle is gone...

"I wish Wu were here to guide—" Lloyd started but Jay yelled.

"No! Don't say that word!! I mean, why wish when we have everything we need right here, right? Haha. Go, ninja, go?" Asked Jay laughing.

"Nice going. You blew our cover." Scoffed Cole.

"No, he didn't." Said Nya as she pointed to the TV.

"I don't know why this is news anymore, but Ninjago City's once again under attack by Pirates. Or dare I say, sky pirates?" Said a reporter.

"We have to help!" Said Cole.

"But we're fugitives." Defended Zane.

"It doesn't matter. We protect the innocent. No matter what situation we are in. Let's go team!" I said as we all nodded.

"And Soto said the map is on that ship. If we wanna stop Nadakhan, we need it." Added Nya.

"Well, what are we waiting for? I thought we were all itching to get back into action." Said Kai.


We soon suited up and ran across roofs to head to the ship were Nadakhan is.

"For our own safety, travel in pairs. We need to protect the people, but also get that map." Said Lloyd.

"I forgot, what does the map look like?" Asked Cole.

"It's on a lantern. Look for a lantern." Answered Zane as we all put our masks and did Spinjitzu.

"Ninja, go!"

Me, Cole and Lloyd landed on a police car to get closer to the commissioner.

"Protect the people, commissioner." I said to the chief.

"We'll take care of the menace." Added in Lloyd as he, I and Cole soon followed the ship.

Me and Cole soon dodged a chain, "Boy, you're really ugly."

"I'm not a boy. I'm a lady." She said as she soon pounced on Cole and threw him somewhere.

"Oh? You wanna hurt my man? Then so be it! Face the wrath of the girlfriend! Ha!" I said as I soon blasted her while she dodged and wiped away my attacks but I soon used my powers to make a light rope as I encircled her with it before kicking her away.

I regrouped with Lloyd and Cole, "So he knows Spinjitzu. Let's see if he knows Airjitzu!" Yelled Lloyd as a masked person did the same move we did.

"Forget him. We need to get that lantern." I said as we soon did Airjitzu to the ship.

Me and the others were still trying to get on that ship as the cannon fire and barrel bombs were stopping us from doing so but we still continued to follow it thanks to our acrobatics that came in handy in such a destroyed part of the city.

I soon barely missed a cannon ball as it exploded right behind me making me gasp that it pushed me forward towards the ship as I fell on Cole again...

"Oh! Well. Nice of you to drop in, Angel." He teased as I laughed.

"Oh, well, Y'know me. I always make an extraordinary entrance. We should be getting the lantern. And fast." I said smiling as I got close to his face before retreating and got back up as I helped him up.

"You really need to stop with your teasing before you actually get it." He playfully threatened.

"Well, I'll be waiting~" I teased back.

We soon searched for the lantern, but it wasn't there, "I ain't afraid to shoot from the back." Said a man who had a gun as he shoot at Cole but the bullet went through him.

The bullet soon bounced back and hit the man as I only used my abilities to make a shield as the bullet finally stopped by breaking something.

"You shot the Realm Crystal!" Yelled Cole.

"Well you made me miss!" He retorted as me and Cole soon found the lantern.

"Uh...technically...you did that to your own accord sir...I'm sorry woah!" I soon yelled out when I was almost shot.

"No time for talking, Angel! I got it! Let's get out of here!" Shouted Cole as we saw Jay.

We soon meet up with Nya and Zane as I hugged her, "Oh! Good! I thought Nadakhan tried to get you guys to "w word" for something." I said as I couldn't say wish out loud or else Nadakhan might appear.

"Haha! Don't worry! I'm fine. I had Zane with me as backup." Smiled Nya and Zane smiled as well.

"We've got the lantern. Return to the meeting point." Said Cole as we ran to the meeting spot.

"Alright, now let's fire this lantern up and check out the map. Kai, a little light? Kai?" Asked Cole as we all looked around to see him not near us.

"Where's Kai?" Asked Nya.

"JJ? Don't tell me something hap-" I couldn't finish my sentence as a huge quake started and made us all fall flat on our backs.

Cole soon ran to help me up as we looked around to see the culprit of this quake.

"What was that?" Asked Zane, "Aren't you supposed to be the one to know though...?" I asked.

"I don't know. But I'm afraid to find out." Said my brother.

"Huh...? This feeling...it was like the world was separating or something...what if Ninjago is falling apart...? Or should I say flying apart...?" I whispered as I felt some disturbance.

"I swear to chocolate fudge cake with ganache...if you're right again as usual...I'll lose it..." mumbled Cole as we looked to see a part of the city flying.

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