One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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"Guys, welcome to Terra Technica. The second Keytana is here, but the only way to win it is to be crowned champion in the Speedway Five Billion." Said Jay.

"What's that?" Asked Lloyd before Cole nudged his arm to make him look up at a screen of racers driving to the finish line.

"Only the most dangerous race in Prime Empire..." explained Jay as we saw someone crash and their car explode.

"The track is lethal, the turns are deadly, and the other drivers are wild." Continued Jay as we soon went over to sign up.

"Your receipt and directions to the nearest healing zone in the likely event of a fiery crash. Next!" Said a robot.

"We're here to sign up for the Speedway Five Billion." Said Cole to the robot.

"Uh, maybe we should start smaller? Do you have a Speedway Five hundred?" Asked Kai.

"No." Answered the Android.

"We can't win a Keytana that way, Kai. We need to race in the Speedway Five Billion." Stated Nya to her brother.

"Wonderful. The entry fee will deducted from your account." Said the robot.

"How much is it?" Asked Lloyd.

"200 credits each. You must register as a team of six. Which means you need a total of 1200 credits." Replied the robot.

"1200?! Wow, okay let's pool our money. I've got uh, 160." Said Lloyd after repeating the price louder than the android before going in his inventory.

"I've got 198." Said Nya.

"153." Replied Cole.

"160." Said Jay.

"160 also!" I added.


"12?! How do you ONLY have 12?!" Yelled Jay getting in Kai's face.

"What did you spend your credits on?" Questioned Cole.

"This sick new avatar." Smiled Kai as he now had a sleeveless ninja Gi with blonde hair and a face paint of red over his eyes, "Huh? Huh? What do you think?"

"That...looks awesome! Can I have one?" Asked Jay shyly.

"NO! Jay! Look, guys, we're 157 credits short now. We gotta find a way to come up with that money before...Oh no...!" Yelled Nya to her fiancé as she soon started talking about how we're going to get money but then Red Visors started to appear.

We prepared to fight as they called the first shots while we deflected the lasers.

"We can't afford to upgrade weapons! We need every credit we got!" Yelled Nya as Lloyd improvised and used a huge tire to flung back the Red Visors away.

"Sorry guys! Gotta upgrade!" Yelled Jay, "Better to be poor and alive than dead and rich!" Said the rockstar as he used up 100 credits.

"Great! Now we need 517 credits. Where are we supposed to get that kind of money?" Scolded Lloyd to his teammate.

"Way to go, Jay!" Yelled Kai.

"Hey! You're the one with the fancy new avatar!" Retorted the rockstar while me and Nya with Cole were only in the background.

Kai only turned away and held up his hand meaning he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"There's gotta be a way!" Said Lloyd as he went over the events.

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