The Calm Before the Storm(Season 15 Finale PART 2)

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"And these are our vehicles! That's the Land-Bounty, of course the Hydro-Bounty is at our private dock. Cole's Rock Cyle, my Light Cycle. Oh! That's Kai's four wheeler, I can't believe he named it 'Fire', and that's mostly it!" Benthomaar was curious on our other tactical vehicles as I showed him the underground base again but this time took out the vehicles.

"Amazing! If you don't mind me asking, but what is that vehicle over there?" Asked Bentho pointing to the mech Lloyd used in the Never Realm.

"Oh! That's my brother's mech! He never really got time to use it after an incident of me and Zane being trapped in another dimension. It still needs some work from its last use but it's a great asset to the team! Like you are when you joined us." I smiled before holding Bentho's shoulder.

"Thank you kindly." He replied before my uncle radioed me.

"Niece! Is Benthomaar with you?" Asked my uncle as I nodded.

"Yes. What happened? You seem distressed, uncle." I was worried for my uncle since he sounded mentally and physically stressed.

"We have breaking events and news in the police station! Move out now! We have no time to lose!" He ordered as I grew fearful.

"Oh no...It's happening already...Come on Bentho! We gotta go!" I muttered before yelling to Bentho we gotta move.

"I am right behind you, (Y/N)!" He replied as we headed for the police station.


"One of my boys on harbour patrol picked him up. Says his name is gelatin or something..." informed the Commissioner.

"Glutinous?" Questioned Bentho looking through the window of the small interrogation room.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it. Anyway, he said he needs to talk to you. Something about a giant snake and the end of the world or something." Replied the older male.

"We'll take it from here, Commissioner. Thank you." Thanked Uncle Wu as we entered the room.

"Oh thank goodness! You're here! We don't have a moment to lose!" Yelled the Merlopian quite distressed.

"What do you what, Glutinous?" Asked Benthomaar.

"I came to warn you! Kalmaar has awoken Wojira!" He revealed.

That made the whole group gasp and even more alert, "Oh no..."

"That's impossible." Argued Jay.

"Yeah, he needs the two amulets. And he's only got one." Agreed Nya.

"He had both! He tricked you! He switched it when you weren't looking, with the fake amulet, from the Island of the Keepers." He revealed making Nya gasp.

"I feared for this. No wonder he never came back to get it and left Nya in the water alone. He was planning this from the start the moment we got on the island of the Keepers! This was all a diversion for us to be venerable as he will then attack when we're not prepared! And at this very moment, he's getting closer and closer with that giant serpent on swallowing all of Ninjago whole!" I rambled now realizing why it was so peaceful here.

"He couldn't have." Still argued Jay.

"I assure you, he did. And the lady's words are right also. This was all a trick! I saw the real one. He brought it back to the temple. He summoned me, as he usually does." Stared Glutinous.

He then rambled on how Kalmaar used our own truck against us and even specified when Kalmaar went to put the Storm Amulet in of the engrangements of Wojira that was still connected by electric tubs.

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