A Long Awaited Reunion

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It has been a few hours since I woke up as my patrol team were set off to scrounge food or locate any danger.

"We'll need to move fast today guys. We don't know if the Ice Emperor is going to strike today." I stated seriously as the team nodded.

"You think we're going to get more fish than last time?" Asked Uthang to Boma.

"Maybe. But I will get more fish so I'll be praised by our protector." Smiled Boma.

"No way! I'll get more fish!" Retorted Uthang as I sighed.

"You two! Stop it! The protector needs concentration!" Yelled another male in our group as continued to make our way to a forest.

"Yes sir! Sorry, ma'am." Apologized the two to the male before me as I smiled, "No worries. I'm sure we'll get more fish than last time!"

"See?! I told you she'd agree with me!" Shouted Boma as Uthang huffed.

"Humph! You got lucky today!" He said turning away as I could only laugh even more.

'They remind me of Cole and JJ...' I smiled sadly as it's been at least 5 months since I've been to this realm, so I've grown accustomed to it's surprises and what it holds in store.

"Urgh...You two are such a pain." Whined the woman as I patted her back.

"Come on, we'll make more ground if we head this way! Follow me, team!" I ordered as they followed me.

We found some fish and found that we could eat so some of my team got out their bags to carry the food.

"Alright, Boss! We got most of the stuff that we scrounged for food!" Saluted Uthang as I nodded.

"Alright! Let's go get firewood as well. We NEED to keep the fireplace going. Or else...we're doomed." I reminded as they nodded and split up to get wood while I stayed back to keep the bags for safety.


I heard a growl making me freeze as it was the ice wolves.

I soon hid behind some trees and snowy bushes to cover myself as they soon left but it seemed like they were running to somewhere,

Or someone!

My team soon regrouped with me, "We got what we need, miss!" Nodded the woman as I did the same.

"Good. And not a second later. The wolves are back and are running towards a direction. Meaning they've smelled or heard prey. We gotta move back to the village before one of us becomes dinner." I stated as the team nodded and went to pick up the ressources and followed me back to the village.


Uthang and Boma as usual were the only ones making conversation as the res of the team had to bear with them.

"Urgh! I'm telling y'a Boma! Those wolves don't normally just change targets! That means whatever they picked up is either something fresh or some newcomers!" Explained Uthang.

"But what if they just sensed something bad and changed course? They have BETTER hearing than us humans, Uthang. You should know that! They're wolves for crying out loud!" Protested Boma.

"You just don't understand! If we go there right now, I'll show you!" Stated Uthang.

"Nu-Uh you won't! Those wolves probably went back to their den!" Yelled back Boma.

"Yeah huh!"


"Yeah huh!"

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