Brave but Foolish

533 17 43

We headed downtown to take care of the Crystal Warriors terrorizing the city.

"What do you say we test these power boosts?" Suggested Jay.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Nodded Cole.

"K.S! It's your mark!" I said.

"On three, two, ONE!" Yelled Kai as we activated our power boosts and sped up towards the army.

I shot some lasers to some of the warriors that were trying to infect some of the citizens before abruptly stopping.

"Be careful! We don't know how long we can hold on! The boys and me will do everything in our power to stop this, alright? Thanks for understanding and not calling the police!" I said quickly before driving away.

"Hurry back inside!" Ordered Jay to some of the people after sliding in to take care of the Crystal Warriors with his bike as we both cheered at some wipeouts.

I shut off my power boost since I knew I was overheating but the boys were having too much fun.

"Jay, Kai, Cole! You're overheating your engines! You need to ease off on the power boost." Warned Nya to the others.

"Aw! But this awesome!" Whined Nya's Ying.

"JJ. I understand, really, I have a future-husband that is JUST like you. But listen to Nya or else you'll be toast for the rest of the battle. And this is only the beginning." I scolded my best guy friend while using the power boost and transferred it in my powers before shooting more Crystal Warriors.

"My sister's right. It won't be awesome if your vehicles overheat and you won't be able to fight back. Ease up." Added Lloyd, trying to be more stern with his team.

"You got it! Powering down. And hey! I am not so much like Jay, Angel." Said Cole before retorting to me.

"Affirmative." Followed suit Kai.

"JJ." I started as I heard a sigh in the coms, "Party poopers."

"Thanks, boys!" I thanked them before me and Cole took on some more Crystal Warriors.

"Uh Kai...? I didn't know your vehicle could fly." Pointed out Cole as Kai joined us.

"Huh? Uh can't!" He clarified while I tried to dodged the large Dragonite that carried Kai's vehicle away from me.

"Woah! It's dropping Kai on us—AH!" I yelled making me abort my bike and fall somewhere but both Cole and Kai were still in their vehicles and started to serve making me brace for impact since they're heading straight for me.

Is this it...?

Is this the end...?

After everything we've been through...

This is what takes us out...?


What a journey has it been yeah?

Wait...Kai! Cole! No, no, no...! I can't leave now that I know they're in possible danger!

I soon stomped on the ground to keep my balance and shook my head of any dizziness and smiled seeing Kai alright.

"Kai! You're alright! Oh thank goodness! I was so worried. Where's Cole, we need to make sure he's alright too before we escape." I hugged the man as he smiled back and nodded at my directives.

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