One Vote Margin -93-

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"Aceyyy! Deuceyyy! They KILLED it up there!" A certain diamond cheeked male shouted over the loud cheers of the crowd. He held his phone up, eager to get every piece of the stage in his video he would post online moments later. Riddle glanced up at Cater and sighed before crossing his arms. "I was ready to have both their heads if they made a poor show of it... But that was a splendid performance. It did Night Raven College justice." The redhead admitted in a slightly pouty tone.

The green haired male shook his hands out a bit with a relieved breath. "Good grief, I was tense just watching that. My palms are all sweaty." Trey mumbled softly. Cater slapped him on the back with a humorous grin. "C'mon, Trey. You sound like a PTA mom!" The male teased.

Riddle placed a hand under his chin in thought. "Our dorm's problem pair has carried out their duty. I'll make them some tea once they return to the dorm. It's the least I can do." His face flushed a rose painted red. "And we should certainly invite Y/N. After all, she did manage such a problematic group. It'll only be fair of course." He spluttered out as the two third years at his side snickered but agreed nevertheless.

A few groups away from them was everyone's favorite fish mafia. "I have to hand it to Vil. He delivers, and his quality exceeds all expectations," Azul said as he paused his polite clapping to push up his glasses, "They'd draw enough of a crowd to fill this place even if the NRC Tribe was the only act here."

Floyd brought a hand to his mouth and blew out a loud whistle, impressed with the performance. "Daaang! That school of betta fish has got some moves! Now I wanna dance." The eel said with his hands on his hips and a lazy grin on his face. Jade glanced over at his brother with a intrigued look. "I'm curious, Floyd. I know you love dancing and singing. Why didn't you audition for the SDC?" He asked.

Azul nodded in agreement. "Seriously. If you'd made the cut to be a member, I could have had a say in how the group was managed." The octopus said with a certain look in his eyes as well as a smirk. Floyd just nonchalantly shrugged. "What can I say? I wasn't in the mood at the time. But Crabby and Sea Snake looked like they were havin' a good time. Maybe I should audition next year." He wondered in thought.

Amusement flashed through the other twin's face. "Heh heh. That should be quite a sight. Not that there's any guarantee your mood will be better next time around, I suppose. Oh, by the way, Floyd. I thought you were on drink-vending duty right now? You're not carrying your drink cooler." The eel observed with a raised eyebrow.

Yawning, Floyd lazily pulled up the side of his shirt and lazily scratched his stomach. "Hm? Oh, I got tired of hawking, so I left it by the entrance with a sign sayin' "Free drinks". Ahah!" He laughed. Azul's face paled as he glasses went crooked. "What?!" He cried, "Are you out of your mind?! Go get it! Right now!" The octopus demanded with a glare at the taller boy.

Floyd glanced down and twisted his face into a look of annoyance. "Maaan, I don't wanna. The Floyd Café is closed for business today." He said stubbornly. Suppressing his laughs, Jade clasped his hands together with a charming smile. "Well, now. That's a bit of a pickle." The mushroom obsessed male said.

Running his hands down his face, Azul groaned. "What am I going to do with you? I'm taking the cost of those drinks out of your pay, just so you know." The octopus threatened.

Behind the trio in lavender was a trio in yellow, two clapping along with the crowd and one with his arms crossed. "Vil's stage presence was incredible, but the freshmen held their own up there. They're not half-bad!" Jack commented with a wide grin.

Ruggie just wiped a hand across his forehead in relief. "Whew. I was scared outta my wits when all the lighting-related program data vanished after rehearsals... Thank goodness we got it restored in time." He muttered with a sigh.

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