The Worst Day Of My Life

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Percy (flashback)

When Daniel first came to camp he was alright. I thought it would be cool to have a brother. Mostly everybody else at camp had a sister or a brother, but I was the only child of Poseidon, in till Daniel came.

When I started to get to know Daniel, I found out he was the worst brother ever.

Daniel would spread rumors about me losing to a sword fight against him, he would purposely trip me around people, he annoyed me to no extent, and he said that Annabeth liked him not me.

The thing was that she had been avoiding me lately. When I would ask her out on a date she would say she was busy or something. The thing that bothered me the most was that when she said she was busy, Daniel would be some where and nobody knew where he was. I hadn't started noticing right away, but it kept happening.

So after he spread the rumor around that he and Annabeth liked each other, I decided to follow her.

She walked to the beach and met up with some one. Please don't be Daniel, I silently chanted. As I watched They dived in the water. Okay, weird. I followed them in and thought about how Daniel was a son of Posiedon, it would make sense that, that would be him, but I pushed the thought out of my mind.

They didn't travel far. They met up with someone else and traveled to a little underwater garden. I wonder if it was an octopuses garden (the Beatles!) stop thinking like that Percy, I thought to my self. I needed to stay on task, stalking my girlfriend.

"Oh, I'm so glad you guys got together!" Said . . . Poseidon? He was the one who had joined them on the way here. What was he doing? "You guys make a way better couple."

"I know, Percy was horrible." It was Annabeth. I stared at her why did she do this? I wanted to slap her across the face, okay, I wouldn't do that. But I still wondered, who was she with? It couldn't be Daniel, it just couldn't be. She knew how much I hated him.

"But I'm the best right?" Said the guy who came down with her. I still couldn't make out his face or his voice.

I watched in horror as Annabeth and the creepy guy kissed. I closed my eyes, this couldn't be happening, I loved Annabeth and she loved me. She would never betray me like this.

As they pulled away I saw his face clearly, it was Daniel. Anger rushed up inside me. How could she do this? I swam up behind them. Poseidon saw me first, Annabeth and Daniel turned around after.

I stared in to those grey eyes, "does, we're staying together, you're never getting away from me. Never again, mean anything to you Annabeth? What about you and me! The friendship we shared? Did anything mean something to you? Did I mean anything to you?" I whispered, then I turned and swam away, not wanting to face her, as tears started to roll down my face.

I was up in my cabin in a flash packing to leave leave this horrible place of horrible people and I was never coming back.

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