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Here is the explanation of the riddle, it says the guy drop the egg 2 feet without it breaking so if he is more than 2 feet tall, then the egg will not hit the ground after if falls 2 feet. try to imagine it if it still doesn't make sense.


I hated looking at her body. She had a pulse, but a very faint one. She was covered in dirt, shaking, very pale, and tears were making lines on her face through the dirt.

"What happened to her?" Artemis asked, she had just got back from her last torture session.

"They said that they suffocated her by filling the room she was in with dirt," I said.
I couldn't help, but be scared, because what if they did that with me, I was scared of it as well. I do not want to got through that.

I heard coughing coming from Hazel. "Where am I?" Hazel said.

I turned and saw her trying to sit up so I pushed her back down, "No, don't get up you're okay now."

"What happened?" She asked, she seemed very confused.

"They tried to suffocate you," I said as softly and calmly as I could.

"Oh, I remember now," Hazel said, trying to sound brave, but her voice cracked.

"Hazel, it's okay," I said and started rubbing her on the back, trying to calm her down.
Tears were coming down her face, but she tried not to show them. She leaned into me, trying to find and warmth.

"You're okay," I said. "Everything is going to be okay."

"No its not, we are stuck in the underworld having torture sessions, Frank is off doing evil somewhere, and we have no idea where Jason, Annabeth, and Leo are. We are totally and completely dead!' Hazel said.

"You are right about one thing, we are stuck in the underworld, so we need to get out, soon. Anybody have any ideas." I asked.

I looked around at our group, Artemis and Hazel. Piper was at her torture session. Hazel shook her head and Artemis shrugged. I sighed and looked around. We were in a grey box with only one door that was locked from the outside and had no handle on the inside. No way out, unless they let you out.

"Torture sessions!' I yelled happily.

"Um, why are you so happy about those?" Hazel asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

"I'll get a look around, see if there is anyway out that can be seen from the outside, and I will try to get something that can get us out," I said. It was probably my best plan ever, because mostly I never had a plan.

We all agreed that, that plan could work, so we just had to wait. My torture session is after Piper's. She had been gone for at least 10 minutes now, so about 5 more and then it would be my turn. We sat in silence and I thought about what would happen if we got out, we had no tracker, no way out of the underworld, well maybe Hazel could do something like Nico. We would just have to plan that later.

The 5 minutes were up. Piper was moved inside the cage. She looked like a bunch of bird clawed her, over and over again. Well it could have happened, its not impossible. A giant grabbed me and brought me the torture room.

On the way there I noticed a small air vent looking thing, why would they have that. I mentally kicked myself when I realized what this cage was. It was like the one I was in when Hades put me in jail. There was no door, like this one, but we thought there was one. There was no air in it, that is why they had and air vent, to keep us alive. Nico could open the doors, maybe Hazel could too.

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