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Annabeth (a few minutes before the other chapter)

I opened my eyes and saw blackness. I blinked again to try to adjust my eyes. It finally came into focus. I looked left and right and saw 2 lumps next to me.

"Jason? Leo?" I asked and rushed over to them.

I shook Jason trying to get him to wake up. He moved a little, and then his eyes snapped open. He seemed panicked for a second, but then He relaxed.

"Uh," he said groggily. "What happened?"

I looked around and saw a castle behind us. I smiled.

"We made it out," I said happily.

"We made it out of what?"

I looked over and saw that Leo was awake. "Rhadymanthus's palace."

"Oh," Leo said. "Right."

"So what do we have to do now?" Jason asked.

"Continue on to the west," I said because that was the only thing I had to offer.

"Okay," Leo said.

"Are you guys ready to start going now or should we rest?" I asked them because they looked very tirerd.

"No we're good," Jason said and stood up.

"Okay," I said and helped Leo up.

"So which way is west?" Leo asked and looked around at the waste land in front of us.

I reached into my bag and searched around. I moved my hands around till I touched the compass. I brought it out and looked at it.

"That way," I said and pointed.

I started down the hill that had the castle on it. Jason followed behind me and Leo was last. I looked in the distance and saw some building like things. It seemed as if we were going to a jail.

"Do you guys know what that is?" Leo asked.

"I thinks it's a jail or something like that," said Jason.

"I was thinking the same thing," I replied. "Let's go!"

I started to run down the hill, Jason had to almost start flying to catch up with me. When we made it to the bottom Leo was breathing hard.

"Be quiet," I told him.

"Sorry," he said sarcastically. "It's not like I need to breath or anything."

I checked to make sure that the hall way was clear and that we were still going west and then I started down the corridor. We walked for a few minutes in silence so it gave me time to go over what happened with the spiders. I tried to push the fear out of my mind.

"Look!" Jason said in a panicky tone.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"Down there," he said and pointed.

I looked down to where he was pointing and could just make out the back of Hazel, Piper, and 2 other people. I looked around and found commander Omega. When I saw him I felt sick, he was going to die. He was being lowered into a fire by a Titan. When Jason noticed he stiffened which meant he knew who this Titan was.

"Oh no!" Leo said his voice full of fear.

Jason stood up and started to run down the hill, "Stop it right there Krios, you are going down."

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant