Let the war begin

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I didn't know why I did that, maybe it was because I was mad that Krios was back, or that my friends were tied up, or that even if Commander Omega was going to die I needed to make his life longer.

I charged Krios, making him stumble back. He dropped Commander Omega and he started to make away from the fight. I took May sword and slashed at the Titans face. He started to block his face and I took that as a sign to stick my sword in his stomache.

Krios roared in pain and pushed me off. I went spiraling towards a rock. I put my hands out to stop the fall, but it still hurt. My eyesight went a little fuzzy as I tried to stand up. I looked down at my hands and saw big scrapes with blood pouring out of them. I wiped them on my pants and grabbed my sword. I yelled in pain as dirt from my sword handle rubbed into my cuts.

I looked around and saw that Krios was still recovering from the cuts I just gave him. I looked to the right and saw that Annabeth and Leo were helping the other people get free. The other boy with them was Nico di Angelo and there was a girl that I didn't know.

I turned my attention back to Krios and charged. Before I could get there Krios yelled something in Greek.

"Αφήστε τα τέρατα," he yelled.

I quickly translated it in my head to, release the monsters. I growled at Krios and attacked. He was caught off guard again, but this time he stood his ground. I stabbed at his legs trying to make him fall over again. The good thing was that he didn't have a weapon so he wasn't fighting back.

The titan just wouldn't fall over so I had a stupid, idiotic, horrible, Leo like idea. I took a step back to get a running start. Krios just stared at me like he was trying to figure out what I was doing. I looked around me and for the first time I noticed that there were giants and monsters fighting against the 7 people on our side, (not including me). I looked back up at Krios and started me plan.

I ran as fast as I could and jumped when I reached Krios. I timed it perfectly so I would land on his head. I gabbed hold of his hair so he wouldn't shake me off, but he still tried. He started to run around trying to get me off. I had to hold on extra tight. As he jolted me around I looked down at his neck and noticed a scar from where I jelled him before. I raised my sword above the scar, tying not to get thrown off, and I stabbed down.

"Noooo," the Titan roared.

I jumped off just as he exploded. He would be back but right now he was gone. I took a step back, breathing hard. I looked around and realized there were more monsters than I thought.

"Let the war begin," I whispered.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now