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I tried not to look at Percy's wound that said Fighting is useless when you feel nothing but pain, It was just gruesome. I notices that Artemis and Percy were hanging out more. I looked around, our group seemed smaller without Grover. I let a tear escape my eyes, even though I only knew him for a little while I couldn't help but cry. The tears helped my burns feel better but I still felt like fire.

"Hazel are you okay?" Piper asked, probably because I was crying.

"Yeah, it's just Grover," I said and I didn't have to say more for her to understand. "Um, so, did Polybotes say we were in the underworld? because wouldn't my dad know they were here."

"Yes, he did say we were in the underworld," Artemis said. " And I don't know about you father."

"Do you know where we are in the underworld," asked Percy. "All I could see were gray walls."

I nodded in agreement. "We are at the cliff that overlooks Tartarus," Artemis said.

Percy stiffened at the name of tartarus. And Artemis started to hug him.

"I'm feeling love," Piper said in a confused tone.

"Oh, um, yeah, you see," Percy tried to say, he looked over at Artemis.

"We made out, as you people say," Artemis said.

"What the hades!" I yelled. "I'm not that great at Greek mythology, but aren't you a maiden goddess."

"Yes," she said. "But I realized that not all boys are bad and Percy is the best one and he so happens to be available right now."

"Artemis, you're crazy," Piper said. "But, if you guys are happy, whatever."

I laughed, but pain shot through me again and it soon turned to coughing. I bent down and I saw blood splatter on the ground.

"Hazel!" I heard someone yell but it was faint.

I coughed up a bit more blood then sat up slowly. I looked and saw 3 very worried faces.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked.

I tried to say something but I couldn't, my throat was too dry.

"No, she is not," I turned and saw Gration. "you're coming with me."

I crawled forward and let the giant pick me up, he walked to the torture room and I got ready to face more pain. Gration would have me face my worst fears, like fire. I was afraid that I would be holding on the Franks wood and I would catch on fire and so would the wood.

"Today," he said. "We are going to have you suffocate."

I caught my breath. Ever since I died because of suffocation I've been scared of it, and after me and Percy almost dying of suffocation in the muskeg, I have been even more scared.

"How?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"By filling this room with dirt," he said and started to leave. "Have fun."

I stood there frozen as I saw the first trails of dirt coming into the room. It came in faster than I thought possible. It quickly made it to my knees. I tried to step above the dirt, but I couldn't. I screamed in fear and rage. I looked around the room, no way out. I let the room fill up to my neck, nothing I can do, nothing to fight for if all I feel is pain. I took one last gulp of air as the dirt covered my face. I couldn't see, I was running out of air, tears ran down my face. I felt trapped physically and mentally. Nothing but pain. Pain is everything right now. The dirt pressed into me. I couldn't see I couldn't breath, I couldn't think. I was already dead.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now