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When I woke up I wanted to start crying my eyes out. Just the thought of being back in Tartarus made me want to crawl in a dark closet or something, and curl my self into a ball and cry my self to sleep.

I opened my eyes and saw Percy sitting in the chair and just staring off into space.

"Hey," I said.

"I've got a plan," Percy said, but didn't look over to me.

"That's not like the seaweed brain I knew," I said, but soon regretted it.

Percy tensed up a bit at the old nickname and his eyes flashed dangerously, but he covered it up nicely.

"So what's your plan?" I said, trying to ignore the awkward silence that had settled over us.

"Well I had a dream," Percy explained.

"Of course it was a dream," I said.

Percy rolled his eyes and told me what he saw in his dream.

"I'm guessing that's a portal to the real world," I said.

Percy nodded, "so it's our ticket out of here."

"But how do we get passed all the monsters?" I asked.

"We did it before," Percy said.

"Yeah, but I don't think Akhlys is going to assist us this time," I said.

"I have an idea," We both looked up and noticed Artemis for the first time. "Moon shadow."

"What?" Percy said.

"It's what my hunters use to hide from monster so they can creat a sneak attack," Artemis says.

"So we could use that to get past all the monsters," I said.

"Yes, we could," Artemis said.

"We actually have a plan this time," I say in wonder.

"Yep," Percy says. "And our plan starts with the forest of curses."

We got out of Damasen's house as fast as we could. We packed up big bags of food and water, and we set out on our long journey. In Damasen's house we found a map of a Tartarus so we took that with us so we would no where we were going. Artemis was in the front leading the way and Percy was in the back with his sword drawn, ready to attack.

It was much easier to travel with a god, when ever we got in distance of a monster Artemis would shoot her bow and would never miss.

The silence was unnerving that I just needed to say something.

"Percy," I said.

"Uh uh," He said.

"You know I was under a spell, when I was going out with Daniel, I think it was Daniel's spell," I said.

Percy didn't say something for a few seconds, "I didn't realize that in till later," he said.

"Are we good," I said.

Percy nodded, it wasn't 't the heartfelt reunion I wanted, but at least he understood that I still loved him.

Suddenly the swamp turned into a forest. The squishy ground turned more solid and freaky looking trees became more frequent. Then we started hearing the screeches of the demons.

"How are we going to defeat them?" I asked.

"We don't," Artemis said. "We just need to out run them. One we get to the river they can't come close to us."

"But what if we do need to kill some?" Percy asked.

"Just kill as little as possible," I said.

"I hear them coming," Artemis said. "Are you ready?" We both nodded. "Run straight and then slant left, if any of us gets lost, meet back at Damasen's house. One, two, three."

And we were off, I was the slowest, but we were still very fast, being able to see helped. I jumped over tree roots and other things that littered the ground. Artemis and Percy ran side by side. Percy was in good shape. Suddenly a talon scraped my shoulder. I pulled out my knife and cut the demon in half. I felt a pain in my left hand I wondered who the heck gave me this curse. As we stumbled through the forest, the more monsters got close to us. The worst curse I got was a horrible itching that just wouldn't go away for two minutes.

Suddenly I heard rushed water.

"We're close," Percy said, a little out of breath.

And then I saw it, the river, I ran with all my might and broke out if the forest. I heard the monsters complaining about their lost meal, but we had survived.

Trivia question:
In Tartarus there is a delta, what is the delta called?

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