Fight (part 1)

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I ran down the hill towards Piper, Hazel, and the others. I ran up to Piper and quickly undid her bonds.

"Thanks Annabeth," Piper said.

"No problem," I said. "Who is that?"

I had already figured out that the other boy with them was Nico, but I didn't know who the girl was.

"That's Artemis," Piper said.

"Artemis, like the Artemis, goddess of the hunt Artemis," I said.

Piper nodded. I quickly ran over to her and undid her bonds. She smiled up at me and thanked me. I looked over to see how Jason was doing and saw him being thrown onto a rock.

"Jason," Piper yelled.

I watched as Krios yelled, "release the monsters." In Greek.

Right then monsters started coming out of nowhere and start circling us. Giants stood behind them, getting ready to fight. I looked over at Artemis, she smiled at me. I sent her message by using my facial expression. I said something like this, "do you want to take on one of the giants with me." She answered, "hades yeah!"

"Charge," I yelled.

I quickly avoided monsters, trying to get to the giants. Artemis was next to me. She moved gracefully through the line. Artemis and I headed towards Gration, the giant made for Artemis.

"So heres the plan," she said to me on the way there. "You distract him by stabbing its legs or something, while I shoot him. I have a special arrow that is glowing silver and when I shoot that, drive your knife into it."

I nodded, it was a great plan. It was a little weird though, because I usually made the plans.

We slowly moved towards Gration, one of the giants. I moved straight towards him Artemis moved a little farther back so she could take a good shot.

"Hey ugly!" I yelled.

He turned to me and growled. He lumbered forward, raising a club. He brought it down to crush me and I quickly moved to the side. I ran forward towards his unprotected legs. I started slashing with my knife until I saw the hand coming down on me. Before it could get close, I heard a sound like paper ripping and an arrow sprouted from Gration's hand. He yelled in pain and looked confused as if just realizing Artemis was a goddess.

I started cutting his legs again. He kept trying to grab me but when that happened Artemis would shoot an arrow at him. After about five minutes of that I took a step back to steady my breathing. I looked up at Artemis.

"Are you ready," she yelled to me.

I nodded, to tired to speak. I held up my knife, getting ready for an attack.

"Look at me," I yelled. "Free meal over here!"

Gration eyed me, but started forward. I stood my ground waiting for the right moment to pounce. When Gration was about 5 feet from me a bright silver arrow that glowed like the moon shoot Gration in the heart. He looked confused so I took that as a sign to jump. I jumped towards the wound, Holding out my knife to pierce him. As my knife hit the arrow wound Gration exploded into dust. I fell on the ground, but need up having no injuries accept for bruises.

"Good job daughter of Athena," Artemis said as she walked over to me.

"Yeah, well, that was one victory, but we need to win a lot more."

I looked around at the fighting and grimaced. We didn't look to good. Piper seemed to have a bad cut on her arm, Hazel looked like she was limping, Jason was swaying a little, and I didn't see Leo, Nico, or Commander Omega, not a good sign.

"I shall go help the daughter of Pluto," Artemis said and ran off.

I looked around and saw a group of hellhounds behind Piper, getting ready to pounce. I ran over to them and they turned to me and growled. I gave them a stare that made them back off a little.

"Bring it on!" I yelled and attacked.

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