Iris Message

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My head was buzzing, I could barely hear anything or open up my eyes. I didn't try to move. I waited for my surroundings to come into focus, yet I still couldn't open my eyes. I heard a murmur, but it soon came into focus as a voice.

"C'mon Annabeth," said Leo? Maybe. "We can just take it off and he won't have to know. I know that the curiosity is killing you and you hate to not know something." It was definitely Leo.

"I don't know. It's his choice to tell us who he is or not." Annabeth said.

"Annabeth please," Leo begged. "He won't have to know."

"Fine," Annabeth said.

Even though I couldn't see it, I felt the hand start slowly inching towards my face. I got ready to tell them to stop but my voice wouldn't work. I felt her hand grip the top of my mask getting ready to take it off, but my hand rocketed up and grabbed hers. She jumped 5 full inches into the air.

"Oh gods," she's said. "I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. It was Leo's idea. He made me do it."

"He didn't make you do anything." I growled.

Annabeth seemed at a loss for words. I had just begun to trust her again but she threw it out the window. I looked around. I was laying in a tent on the ground. There was a lot of medical supplies around, but I felt pretty good now. So, I started to standup. I looked at Leo when he started to say something, daring him to continue. I got up and walked out side.


I felt horrible. When he was starting to actually kind of like me, I blew it. I am so stupid. I feel tears threatening to pour out of my eyes as I watch Omega leave and break my heart.


I didn't get far before I was stopped by an iris message. It showed all the senior consolers, Luke, and Chiron.

"Guys," I yelled. "You might want to see this."

Quickly everybody came out of their tents. Where we got all of them I had no idea.

"What seems to be the problem Chiron?" Jason asked.

"Well, Alpha here tells me that Kronos is going to use Daniel, who isn't a son of Poseidon but a son of Hermes, as his new body. And they are going to attack you in 1 week. Also, there is a new threat called the forgotten god. He will take over somebody's body also, but he won't ask for permission." Chiron informed us.

"So, this quest was supposed to bring us to a big battle, as it says 'the west is where you must win' in the prophecy." Annabeth said.

"We just need to win the battle, then figure out who this forgotten god guy, took over" Piper said.

"Yes children, but you must remember the other parts of the prophecy as well." Chiron said.

"We will see you later, after we beat those sorry excuses of monsters the titans and giants have." Leo said, trying to raise everybody's spirits.

"Giants!" Annabeth yelled. "We need the gods again."

"Ah, yes," Chiron sighed. "I will inform them of your need."

"Thanks!" Hazel said. "Bye!" Then she waved her hand through the mist.

I looked around at everybody in the group. Annabeth looked thoughtful. Leo looked happy. Piper looked worried. Jason looked in charge. Hazel looked determined. And Frank was smiling but smiling in a cruel way. I gasped.

"Oh, yes," 'Frank' said. "You figured it out haven't you?" He asked me.

And I did Frank had gotten possessed by the forgotten god.

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