Omega, I'm Going To Kill You!

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When I woke up I stared up at the ceiling. It had gotten worse. My nightmares that Kronos kept sending me, telling me he needed another body to rise in. I sighed then stood up and got dresses. Great another day of teaching the people who hate me.

I walked down the hall to Omegas room. I knew it was bad trying to wake him up but I decided I needed some exercise and running from Omega was definitely exercise.

"Omega!" I yelled as I opened the door to find an empty cabin. "Omega!" I ran around the house accidentally knocking into Pirate.

"What's going on?" He asked groggily, like he just woke up. (Well maybe he did!)

"Percy, I can't find him anywhere!" I yelled.

"Uh oh" Ethan stood and started calling around the house.

Soon we got the whole army to yell around the house, then the whole camp to yell around the whole camp.

"Does he always go missing like this?" Asked Annabeth as we searched.

"Sometimes, when he gets a solo mission."

"Oh," she said and nodded.

We searched everywhere and no one could find him. I wondered about my dream. Has Percy got taken to be Kronos's new host? No I couldn't think like that. He's probably fine.

I heard a conch shell so me and Annabeth ran up to the dining pavilion. All the campers had gotten there before us and Chiron was pacing nervously as if realizing how serious this might end up being.

"Everybody be quiet," Chiron yelled, "I guess we must assume the worst." I looked over and saw Annabeth smiling? "He has not turned up yet, and we have searched, he has gone missing maybe captured-"

"Who was captured?" That voice, I turned and saw Percy standing there.

"Omega, I"m Going to kill you!" I said. Percy screamed and ran.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now