Task #3

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Leo walked through the door after Annabeth and it turned out to be a tunnel. Yay more walking. He still couldn't get over how he had to be bait, like c'mon, I can fight, not well, but still.

"Leo, get over it," Jason said, clearly aggravated.

"Wait did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "just keep walking, and yes, Leo, you said that out loud."

"Well next time can I not be bait," I pleaded.

"Fine," Annabeth said.

Annabeth had definitely become the leader of this quest. She told us where to go, she told us the plans for attack, and she gave us all the information we needed. Also, she's a good fighter.

"Goody goody gumdrops," I said in excitement while I jumped up and down.

"Isn't that what little girls say and do?" Jason asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No," I said. "It's what very manly men say."

Annabeth rolled her eyes again, "do I have to say this another time, just keep walking."

Annabeth, Jason, and I walked in silence for the next 2 minutes in till we came to a room with 5 bowls in it. I looked around and on the black walls were instructions. I started to walk over and Annabeth and Jason followed me.

"What's it say?" I asked.

"Can't you read?" Annabeth said.

"Yeah, but I'm just lazy," I said.

"It says," Jason started.

"Son of fire this is your choice,

5 bowls, 5 friends,

Chose the death, the sacrifice,

Who is the least needed, who is the least wanted."

Annabeth looks at my pale face, "well, at least your not bait."

"Ha ha," I said and walked over to the bowls.

One bowl had a heart in it, not like a real heart like the one inside your body but the kind that people draw on Valentines day cards.

"Piper," I decided.

The next one had a cloud in it, it looked exactly like a real one and it seemed to be moving, like the wind was moving it.

"Mine," Jason said with a little fear in his voice.

The one after that had a gem in it. It was a diamond and real diamond.

"Hazel," Annabeth said sadly.

The bowl after that one had a book in it. It looked like an old fashioned kind of book that had a brown leather cover.

Annabeth gulped, "that ones mine."

The last one had a mask in it, the kind that Chaos's army have.

"Commander Omega's," I said weakly.

"Look," Jason said and turned to me. "Choose me Leo."

"No, choose me," Annabeth ordered.

"I don't even get this challenge," I said.

"It's supposed to asses your strategy skills," Annabeth said. "With out this one player on your team, will your team still win."

I looked at all of the bowls. Annabeth's worlds still rung in my head, With out this one player, I immediately thought of Commander Omega. He doesn't really trust us and he seems to hate the gods, what if he turns to the dark side, what if he is on the dark side? I tried to get these thoughts out of my head but I couldn't.

Suddenly I heard a voice Choose what you think is best

I looked down at the bowls and reached down. I felt like I was going to cry doing this. Even if I had only known this guy for a few days, I was going to be the cause of his death. And what if this wasn't the right choice? I just killed him for no reason and got us stuck in This room. I grabbed the mask and heard a strangled gasp come from Annabeth.

A door slid open and I walked through, not wanting to talk or even look at Annabeth and Jason. I wiped away a tear. I thought about my old motto, keep on moving.

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