Moon Shine

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I worked on trying to make a fire as Frank slept, Annabeth tried to put together something to have us sleep on, and while Artemis did, who knows what.

I figured I got the worst job, if you could tell, fire doesn't really like me. Water is like fires worst enemy, but after at least 20 failed try's I made a little spark, and following Annabeth's directions, made a fire.

"Done!" I yelled.

"Good job, Percy," Annabeth said while walking over to my little fire.

"Are you done with your job?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she answered and sat next to me, in front of the fire. "So, is your arm alright?"

"Yeah, I guess," I said. "It still stings a little but I'm fine, so-"

I was interrupted by Frank waking up. He was breathing heavy, definitely from a nightmare.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I think I'm turning into Harry Potter," Frank said.

"Um, Frank," Annabeth said. "Would you like to elaborate on that topic?"

"Never mind about that," Frank said. "So I had a dream, well that was kind of obvious, but I was the forgotten god guy and I was going to Camp Jupiter."

"Oh, now I understood that reference," Annabeth said, and Frank smiled. "But that's bad, do you now what happened after that?"

"No, I woke up," Frank said, his head down.

"Wait I'm confused, I still don't get the Harry Potter reference," I said.

"Percy, that's because you didn't read the series," Annabeth said.

"Yes I did," Annabeth gave him a look. "Fine, I speed read it."

"Percy, your not a speed reader," Annabeth said, with a small smile on her face.

"Well what ever," I said and smiled. "But what about where you were like 'Oh, now I understood that reference' why did Frank smile at that? Is that another inside joke?"

"Did you see the Avengers?" Annabeth asked him.

"The what?" I said, totally confused.

"Oh, wow, you need to get into the world more," Frank said.

"Never mind," I said and stared at my magical fire.

"Ah ha," Artemis yelled from where ever she was.

I watched the fire for a few more minutes, then Artemis walked over to our little group.

"I have found out a way to protect us when we get to the monster army," Artemis said.

"How?" Annabeth asked.

"With something me and my hunters use on hunts," Artemis informed us. "Its called Moon Shine."

"So it'll protect us?" I asked.

"No, it will just keep us hidden," She said and sighed. "But if we try to interfere with anything it will disapear, and that includes going through the portal."

"So we'll need a distraction," Annabeth said and glanced over at me.

I tried not to grimace. I knew I had to do this. I couldn't let one of them die, there was no way I was doing that.

"Look we'll figure that out later," I said.

"So," Frank said after an uncomfortable silence."Got anygood news."

"Oh," Artemis said and smiled. "Yes I do."

We all turned to her wanting to know what it was.

"I also found a way to shut the portal," She said. "When we go through I will show my true form and it will kind of fry the magic, I guess, so the portal will colapse."

"So only the monsters that have already gone through will be at were ever they are going," Annabeth said. "We'll close off there only exit."

"Yep," I said, popping the p. "I think we've had enough planning for tonight, who wants to keep watch?"

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