The Stick

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I couldn't believe I still had it, Hazel must have forgotten to take it back. I didn't know if it would work, but what if it did. We'd be done with this problem, before it really even started.

I searched around in my pocket and grabbed what I was looking for. I held it up and heard Annabeth gasp.

"That would be perfect," Annabeth said and smiled.

"What could a piece of wood do to me?" Said 'Frank'.

"A whole lot of damage," I said.

"I do not understand," Artemis said, with a confused look on her face.

"Just wait," I assured her.

Frank told me once that when he was really cold and he wanted to get warm, he thought of fire and suddenly the wood started burning. I concentrated on the wood, thinking of fire, hot chocolate, summer, the sun, big coats, and blankets. I felt a little tingling feeling on my fingers, I opened my eyes and saw the wood burning. It didn't burn my fingers, because of my dad.

I glanced over at the forgotten god and I saw him start to grimace, then he yelped in pain. He started to fall to the floor. There were swirls of smoke coming off of him as he lay on the ground writhing in pain.

"I with come back," He said. "With a new body that can't be killed."

Then, a ghostly shape floated out of Frank and up, probably out of Tartarus. Frank was still yelling, but it was his voice doing the yelling.

I threw the stick to the ground and started to stomp on it to take out the flames. Frank stopped moving, and fear shot through me. I couldn't have killed him, but then I heard his labored breaths.

I ran over to him, with Annabeth right behind me. I got over to him and noticed that he was awake.

"Frank are you okay?" I asked him and knelt next to him.

"Yeah," He said, then glanced over to me. "Percy? Is that you?"

"Yep, it's me," I said and smiled at him.

"Well I guess I'm dead then," Frank said.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked Frank.

"Annabeth, you died too," Frank said sadly.

"Frank your not dead, Annabeth didn't die either, and I was commander Omega," I said, to clear things up.

"Wait, you were commander Omega," Said Frank, disbelief written all over his face.

"Yeah," I said. "Can you stand?"

"I think so," Frank said and pushed himself off of the ground, he staggered a bit, but regained his footing. He noticed Artemis, then looked around. "Who's that? And where are we?"

"I'm Aretmis, goddess of the hunt," Artemis said and smiled at Frank. "Nice bow."

"Uh, thanks," Frank said. "And where are we?" He asked again after an uncomfortable silence.

"Tartarus," Annabeth said quietly and sadly.

"What?" Frank asked, his eyes looking a little wild. "Tartarus."

I knew what it felt like when you realize your probably going to die and that your in Tartarus at the same time.

"It's okay," I said. "We will make it out, I swear it on the river Styx."

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