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New Percy one shot


I hated myself. How could I let them go back there. Well there is nothing we can really do accept wait and hope they find a way out. The doors of death aren't here anymore so that can be crossed of the list. Annabeth's smart, and Artemis is a goddess, they will figure something out.

Our group had been walking for at least an hour, following Nico to the exit and hopefully the exit would bring them to Santa Barbra, where she could talk to her dad and get them a plane to bring them back to Camp Half-Blood with the bad news.

Bad news. All they seem to have is bad news. Well they did defeat Kronos and Gaea, that's good news.

"Here we are," Nico yelled.

I looked up and saw a door, about as tall as a car, but the door was closed.

"Stand back, Hazel and I will try to open it," Nico said.

I took a step back and watch Hazel and Nico put their hands out and started to pull the door towards us. It was very fasinating, at first nothing happened, but then, with a loud bang the door flew open. Hazel yelped since she was so close to it.

"Let's go," Jason said.

I followed everybody through the door way and started walking up stairs. The stairway was dark and I could barley see anything. I had to put my hands in front of my face so I wouldn't bump into Jason.

After an agonizing hour workout of walking up stairs we finally made it to the daylight. I shielded my eyes in till they adjusted. I looked around and noticed we were on a highway that looked deserted, but then a car drove by.

"This sign says Santa Barbra is that way," Hazel said and pointed to my left.

"More walking, yay," Leo said sarcastically.

"Shut up," I said sadly.

We could not complain while our friends are in Tartarus, so I walked quickly and full of energy for the next mile and half till we finally reached Santa Barbra. That was very uneventful accept for the part when Leo caught a bunny and then it pooped in his hands.

"So where is your shooting the movie?" Jason asked.

"Um . . . Main Street," I said and looked around.

I tried to remember what my dad said about where he was filming. It was around Hilltop Drive and Maple Street. I looked up at the street sign, it read Maple street.

"We are very close, we just need to head down this street," I said.

"Let's go then," Jason said.

As we walked down the street I thought about what I was going to say to my dad, hey dad I need to use your plane so I can head back to my school. I stopped dead in my tracks, I remembered I looked like I was 16 when I was really supposed to be 21, immortality and all.

"Piper why are you stopping?" Leo asked.

"I'm 21 years old," I said, and everybody nodded. "But I look like I'm 16!"

"Oh yeah," Jason said, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I'll use the mist," Hazel offered.

"Good idea," I said.

"I think we made it to the movie set," Nico said.

A bunch of people were walking around wearing an arrangement of outfits, from suits to t-shirts and jeans. Big lights and other machines were placed around. Actors, were walking around in strange outfits and makeup. And through the crowd of people you could just make out Tristan Mclean.

"Are you ready Piper?" Jason asked and looked at me.

"Yeah," I said. "Hazel, mist me."

Hazel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, I realized everybody was staring at me, their mouth agape.

"Wow Piper you look amazing," Hazel said.

I didn't have time to look at myself in the mirror, so I gathered up some courage and walked over to my dad.

"Dad!" I said when I got over to him.

He turned around and stared at me, "Piper?!" He asked, with his eyes wide.

"Yeah, it's me dad," I said and then hugged him. "I just wanted to stop by and say hi, and ask you something."

"It's so nice to see you, what brings you to Santa Barbara?" He asked.

"That's the thing, me and my friends were taking a vacation," I lied and then pointed at Jason, Hazel, Nico, and Leo. "We then accidentally boarded the wrong plane, so I was wondering if we could borrow your plane, so we could fly to where we were supposed to go."

I wasn't proud of it, but I might have used some charm speak in that speech.

His eyes glazed over and he said, "of course you can borrow it, here's the key."

He handed me the key and I said thanks. I turned around and showed the keys off to my friends and gave them the thumbs up.

"Oh," My dad said and I waited for this to all go wrong. "It's parked at the Santa Barbara airport."

I breathed a sigh of relief and said thanks again and his time I speed walked away.

"That was amazing Pipes," Jason said.

"Thanks," I said and hugged him.

"Let's go to the airport," Leo said.

It took us a while to find where the airport was, then it took us more time for me to charm speak a cab driver into giving us a ride. After that it took us about 10 minutes to get to the airport, and another five to prove that's we did not steal the keys and finally we boarded the plane. During this whole time I was waiting for my dad to call me because he came to his senses and realized that letting not responsible teen agers use his highly expensive airplane was not a good idea.

"Pipe relax," Jason said when we were in our seats on the plane.

I nodded then a loud crackling sound came over the intercom, "welcome fliers to flamin' Leo Valdez airlines, would you all please buckle your seat belts and get ready for a bumpy ride. Camp Half-Blood here we come."

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