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When I started to come to, it felt like the injury on my head had been reopened.

"Ugh," I said and looked around at the wooded area, I blinked again to make sure I wasn't imagining it, we were out of Tartarus, I was going to yell yes, when I noticed two figures looking at something, I got up and couched closer. I realized it was Jason and Clarisse. "What's going on?"

Jason looked up at me, he looked like he was about to cry, "come see for yourself."

I made my way over to them and sat on the other side of Jason. I looked down and saw Rachel, then I noticed the blood, "no."

"It's okay," she said, holding back tears. "I just need to talk to an Apollo camper."

"Yeah," I said, trying not to feel guilty or weak. "Totally."

"Someone needs to carry me to the infirmary," she said and then groaned.

"Rachel?" Someone asked, I turned and saw Annabeth standing up behind us, her eyes were glistening.

"I'm okay," Rachek protested, trying to make everyone feel better.

"No you are not," Artemis said, joining the group.

I looked down sadly, "can you do any god magic?"

"No that is my brothers specialty," she said with regret evident in her voice.

"Then we need to get to the infirmary," I said and picked Rachel up, trying not to put her right back down when she started to groan and yell in pain.

As we walked back to camp I tried to keep Rachel awake as Jason told Annabeth what was going on at Camp. The forgotten god had attack, well that's what they think. And he was using the monsters as the thing they were fighting, so now that the portal was closed the fighting should stop soon. Which relieved me more then I thought possible.

"So what happened to you?" Rachel rasped out.

"Well," I said, and told the story, I would do anything to help Rachel out at a time like this.

"Wow," Clarisse said. "Nice work, oh, and it's nice to see you prissy, everybody has missed you."

"Really?" I said, not totally believing that.

We walked in silence the rest of the way. The only sound that could be heard was when Rachel would gasp in pain. Which made the walk really sad. All I could think about was how I was not losing another friend to a stupid war, that we were only a part of because we were related to the gods, and Rachel was a mortal, so she was not going to egg hurt because of this.

Once we exited the woods I could see the battle, it was right by the boarders of camp. There were only a few monsters left, but I could tell there had been a lot more.

We all quickly ran into the infirmary. I laid Rachel on a bed as Clarisse went to get a healer.

"Your gonna be just fine," I said to Rachel as she took labored breaths.

I didn't know how she stayed conscious when we had walked here. It was like some need was driving her, maybe it was to stay alive, probably.

Clarisse came back with Will Solace, "Rachel, I'm here to fix you up."

"No, I want Sally," Rachel said.

"Sally, but she's new and not very good at healing yet," Will said, surprised, I was too.

"Just get here over here, please," Rachel said.

"Okay," Will said then called Sally over.

"What is it?" Sally asked as she walked over, she looked to be about nine years old, and uncomfortable in the surroundings of the infirmary. "Wait, do I have to heal her?"

"Yes," I said at the same time Rachel said no.

"What? Then why do you need her?" Jason asked.

"To pass on the oracle," Rachel said. "I am going to die, there is no stopping it and Sally is not good at healing, but I can feel that she can see into the future so I am giving it to her."

"To me?" She asked like it was crazy to trust anything with her. "But I just got claimed last week, wouldn't you want someone more qualified?"

"No," Rachel said. "It must be you."

Sally nodded. Everyone watched as Rachel put her hand on Sally's head. The room started to glow green, but quickly subsided. Sally and Rachel didn't look any different.

"You will learn how to use the power, but I felt that it would come easily to you," Rachel said, then gasped as if breathing was getting hard. "Good bye."

I stood there as Rachel took her last breath, and I couldn't do anything about it. I stood there, frozen, looking at the unmoving body. Hands pulled me away, but I barely noticed them, I went with them though, because maybe they were taking me somewhere better then the room with my dead friend.

I was pushed into a chair and people started to talk to me, but I didn't listen. So finally someone slapped me.

"Percy, snap out of it," Annabeth said.

I looked up at her and realized she was crying, I was probably crying also. I looked around the room and Jason, Clarisse, Annabeth, Will, and Artemis were in there with me.

"Would you like to here the other people close to you that have died," Will asked. "I know it's not exactly the right time, but if you find out about them later it might be worse."

"Just tell us," I growled, not wanting to here any, I'm sorry for your loss speaches.

"Um, Chris," Will starts.

"Chris as in my boyfriend," Clarisse says, Will nods. "Oh my gods."

"Malcolm," Annabeth let's out a sob. "Travis, and Katie," said Will.

Travis, what is Conner going to do?

"Thalia," Will says.

"What?!" Jason, Annabeth, and I yell.

"How?" Jason asks.

"She died trying to save Nico, which brings me to my next person, Nico di Angelo," Will says.

"No. They couldn't have died," I said.

I felt so hollow and all alone. When you think about not seeing anyone again it makes you feel horrible and like you just want to curl into a ball and cry. That's what I was feeling right now. I let more tears fall.

"Oh, and Alpha from your army, is in a coma, but nobody in your army died," Will said.

I didn't know exactly how he knew that I was Commander Omega, but I couldn't believe Luke was in a coma.

"Let me see him," I say, wiping my tears away.

"Of corse," Will said and leads me up stairs.

I look down at him. He's not moving, just like Rachel, he could be dead. When I see him I feel like he is dead. He's just been added to the group of people who I will never see or talk to again, even if he isn't dead yet.

"Do you know if he will wake up?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"No I-" Will interrupted by a scream, coming from out side.

I quickly run out of the infirmary and look at the battlefield. A bunch of dead warriors are coming and a chariot with someone on it. Now that it is getting closer I can just make out the form of Hades.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now