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Hazel (part 3)

I screamed. That may be a bit childish, but the Titan freaked me out and that meant more torture, more pain, and possibly death. I may be a daughter of Pluto, but I don't like the sound of death.

"Run!" Nico yelled.

I didn't have to be told twice. I started running. I was about as fast as Piper and Nick, but Percy and Artemis were way ahead of us.

"You can't get away from me, for I am Krios (I might have spelled that wrong)," the Titan said.

I took a deep breath, I remembered him. Well I remembered people talking about him. Jason had defeated him. I didn't know how, but if I could figure out how, we could do the same thing.

We turned the next corner, but it was a dead end. I moved as close to the wall as possible, we all did. The Titan came forward with a smile on his face.

"Sacrifices," he said.

I gripped someone's hand, Piper's, Nico's. I didn't know, I just wanted to make sure they were Alive, they were there, we were together.

The Titan reached out and grabbed me. He started to squeeze me so hard I had to struggle to get breaths. The edges of my eyesight started to dim and then it went black.

I woke up strapped to a pole, my arms tied behind my back. I looked around and saw that everybody else was in the same position I was. A golden throne was I front of us, luckily it was empty. It seemed like I was the only one awake till some one spoke to me.

"Helping demigods is always the fall of me," Artemis said. "But not helping them would also mean my destruction, Hazel Levesque what do you think I should do next time?"

Do you mean if there is a next time? I thought, but I decided to keep that to myself. "I think you should help us, because with you not helping it would mean our destruction and yours."

"But where has my help gotten us, trapped, made into sacrifices," she almost sounded sad.

I stayed quiet not wanting to speak because it was true, but it also wasn't true. She had helped us and if she didn't we'd be in the same spot as we are now, but since she did help us she's stuck here too.

A few minutes passed and everybody was awake now. They all looked alright, just a little shaken up. I looked down, not wanting to see everybody's sad face.

I didn't notice that the Titan Krios had come back until he was standing In Front of us. I shook myself out of my thought and looked up at him, filled with dread.

"Are you guys ready to be sacrificed," Percy said.

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