Task #2

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Annabeth, Leo, and I walked into a similar looking room as the one we just left. It had the black walls and everything accept that it had no writing on the walls.

"What are we supposed to do?" Leo asked, he seemed to also realize that there was no riddle.

"Not all of the challenges are riddles, this could be a different kind of task," Annabeth said as she scanned the room.

I didn't expect someone to answer, so when I heard the voice I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Correct daughter of Athena," it said.

I did a 360 trying to find out where the voice was coming from.

"Annabeth," I said timidly. "What was that?"

Then I heard a screeching sound, like a rusty machine starting up. A part of the wall moved and I saw red eyes light up, like they do in shows. A creature stepped out, it looked like a hellhound, but bigger, stronger, and faster.

"What is that?" Annabeth said. She doesn't know what that is, wow we are in trouble.

"Fight me," it said. "Fight me to move on or I will kill you."

"So," Leo said. "If we fight we die, if we don't fight we die, so what do you guys want to do."

"Leo," I said. "We have a chance,of beating it."

"Yeah," he said. "A really tiny, slim, small, chance."

"Thanks for getting our hopes up, Leo," I said to him.

"Shut up!" Annabeth said. "We need to make a plan, Leo you distract it, Jason go to the left to attack when it is focused on Leo and then I will deliver the final blow when he is focused on you guys."

"Great plan," Leo said. "But why do I have to be bait."

"You're annoying," she said simply. "On three, 3, 2, 1, go."

I ran to the left and held out my sword. I watched Leo do some weird dance to distract the monster. The monster raised it's claws and swiped them at Leo. Leo yelped and backed away towards the walls. I decided this was a good time to attack so I lunged and moved my sword like an arc down on to the monster. My sword bounced off of the monster and I fell to the ground.

"Silly demigods," it said.

I tried to push myself away by using my feet and hands, but it was no use. The thing opened up his mouth and spit at me. I moved to the side just in time. The spit hit the ground and made and whole right through the floor.

"Great," I said sarcastically. "Poison."

I inched closer to where my sword fell, but the monster shot more poison so I stopped. For a few minutes it was the monster shooting poison at me and me trying to get close to my sword. On about the 10 time of shooting poison, he opened his mouth wide. I took that as an opportunity. I grabbed my sword and launched it into his mouth. The monster screamed in agony and backed away from me. I stood up and watched as the monster became dust.

"Good job Jason," Annabeth said as she walked over to me.

"C'mon let's just go," I said and turned to the door where the monster came from. I couldn't make out anything inside the next room, it was pitch black.

"We have to go in there?" Leo asked.

I glared at him, "what do you think?" Leo stuck his tongue out at me.

"Let's go," Annabeth said and she marched through the door.

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