The First Monster

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"C'mon guys" yelled Leo. "Run faster!"

The monster was gaining on us. I turned and caught sight of it. The hydra was bigger than most of its kind, with 10 heads all snapping in our direction and all we could do was run. Well, maybe you want to know how we got to be like this. It was about 4 hours ago when it started.


Me, what was left of the seven and commander Omega had been walking through the woods for hours trying to get as far west as possible while Annabeth kept rambling about how in the prophecy it said 'lost one' and she thinks it might be Percy. She keeps smiling to herself about it. I really hope it is him because I've missed him a lot but I'm not going to smile like a lunatic.

"We should take a rest." Jason said and then plopped down in the clearing we were standing in. It had trees concealing us from the highway on the other side of the forest so random people won't see us and call the police about hobo children living on the side of the freeway.

We started to make camp, which was really a bunch of sleeping bags circling a fire (thanks to Leo.) we all had some burnt hot dogs for dinner (thanks to Leo, key word burnt) and then tried to get some sleep. Well, I guess I tried mostly everybody else went right to sleep because they were tired from walking so much. I couldn't get to sleep, dreams have been bugging me a lot. Demigods do have some weird/scary/random dreams that tell you stuff, but mine have something different.

I kept moving around trying to find a comfortable spot on the ground when I heard a voice. "Frank, why do you keep moving?" Asked Hazel.

"The usual, demigod dreams," truth yet not the total truth.

"Oh," she said from the sleeping bag next to me. "Just try to get some sleep mostly because we have to cover a bunch of ground tomorrow and your keeping me awake with all that moving."

"Sorry," I whispered trying to be quiter. I listened to the sound of the forest and the rhythmic breathing of my fellow quester sand soon I fell asleep.

I was in a dark room with a chair. I didn't want to sit down but I felt compelled to do so. I took a step forward and my foot step echoed around the room like it was much larger than it really was.

I quickly moved to the chair and sat. I looked around the room and realized I was in a room made entirely out of rock except for the chair and I couldn't see the ceiling. I looked at the walls when suddenly a torch lit, then another and so on. Just like in those movies when the characters were entering an erie cave or something.

Something moving caught my eye so I turned and saw a cloaked figure. He stepped out of the shadows when he noticed me looking at him. All I could see of his body was bloody scarred hands. I really didn't want to see what his face looked like.

"Frank Zhang," he said "son of Ares."

"Mars," I whispered but he seemed to hear me.

"Yes, Roman." He said. "I was never very fond of them but you will do."

"Uh, what do you mean."

"You see, I need a new body to be able to take my rage out on olympus, to get my revenge."

"Your going to use my body!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes," he said then held out his gruesome hands. "The Romans did this to me, the gods of Olympus did even worse." He said as he acknowledged the fear on my face. "This enables me not to be able to do what I want to the great," he said sarcastically, "gods. They made it so I won't be able to do it in my own body, but they didn't take my magic away. The magic goddess said I would never be able to preform magic again because I was to weak, but I have grown and I will be able to use it on you!"

"Stop! Please don't do this" I pleaded.

"Oh, it will take about a day for my magic to settle in but if you tell anybody about this your girlfriend, what is her name? Hazel Levesque will get much more then just someone taking over your body," he said that like having someone take over your body was nothing, like it happened everyday. "See you later."

I felt myself beginning to wake up but I didn't know why. I heard a scream and I shot up like a cannon. I looked around and saw Jason shouting orders with the help of Annabeth. I got the message, it was mostly 'grab all of you stuff and get out.' I grabbed my sleeping bag and my backpack full of supplies and ran.

"C'mon guys" yelled Leo. "Run faster!"

The monsters was gaining on us. I turned and caught sight of it. The hydra was bigger than most of its kind, with 10 heads all snapping in our direction and all we could do was run.

The hydra spit poison at us and we each dove in different directions. I leapt to the right into a bush. I hoped I would see the hydra going in another direction, it's not like I wanted it to go after one of my friends it's just that I was really shaken form that dream, but my luck had to be bad (not as bad as Percy's was though) the hydra went straight for me.

I quickly changed in to a bear and got ready to charge. When the hydra got to where I was waiting I went straight for it, (and yes I was not thinking when I did that) and I scraped my claws against its scales, they just uselessly did nothing except for hurt my ears with the horrible noise.

"Hey need some help?" Said someone. I turned and saw Leo standing there with a ball of fire dancing around his fingertips.

I remembered that fire is the only thing that could kill a hydra so I smiled and nodded thankfully. I turned into a eagle and Leo and I seemed to have a silent conversation because we looked at each other and attacked.

I tried to get the hydra heads away from Leo while trying to keep them from taking off my head. It's harder than it sounds. I flew around some times having a surprise attack and diving for one of its eyes but it still didn't help. Leo and I were doing an okay job (if you call almost being chopped in half okay) but seriously were the heck were the others? A giant monster with multiple heads, an eagle that kept randomly attacking, and a crazy guy with fire weren't to hard to miss.

After 5 minutes I saw Leo back up a bit so I swooped down and changed back to my regular self and stumbled a bit because I was so tired. I looked around the forest we ruined or I would call it, just making another clearing by burning all the trees down.

"I can't get a good hit," Leo said. "The scales won't burn or anything."

Good hit, scales.

I took out one of my arrows, "light this on fire then try to get it to open up its mouth." I said. Leo looked at me like this plan was crazy, mostly because it was. "Just do it."

He quickly lit the arrow then charged the creature. I watched hoping to find an opening and finally there was one when Leo took a hammer out of his tool belt and hit the hydras toe with it, (that really hurts, I speak from experience) the hydra yelled, it's mouth open. I quickly took a shot. The arrow sailed and hit the hydra right in the middle of its mouth. The fire spread and the monsters was reduced to monster dust.

Me and Leo hi fived when we heard a shuffling of leaves. I took aim with my bow but then I saw commander Omega step out of the trees.

"Where's the hydra?" He asked.

Leo said, "the more important question is where were you guys when me and Frank single handily destroyed a hydra?"


Hey everybody! I just felt like I needed to thank everybody who is reading this and I wanted to say hope you like this chapter, it took me along time to write it and it is longer than what I usually write.

Please answer to these questions,

Is it good?

Do you like the long chapters or short chapters?

Do you think this book should have a sad or happy ending?

Do you think Percabeth should get back together?

And finally will you help me think of a name for the person in this chapter since I totally made him up!

Thanks for reading

From PercyJacksonIsMyLife (this name is so very true for me)

P.S. 20 chapters, ya!

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