We Tell The Gods

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I couldn't wait, I could tell Nico who I am. Beckandorf, Silena, Castor, and I walked up to mount Olympus. Nico was there today to talk to my dad about something.

The four of us got into the elevator. It kind of reminded me of the one I went in when I died except this one played horrible music.

When we go to the top I couldn't help but be amazed. It was beautiful. I had only seen inside the throne room and that had been awesome but once you see the whole thing, it's like you can't speak or think. Castor was so amazed he started drooling.

"Annabeth did do a good job at redesigning it." I said staring at all the temples and statues that were placed around Olympus.

As we walked farther in to it, it became more entrancing. I couldn't believe most of what I was seeing. Magnificent gardens, golden arches, it just made me want to live here forever.

We walked up to the main temple, castle thingy. We walked in and this time I actually looked around to see what it was like. I smiled at all the beautiful things. Then I heard Nico. Then he said something that made me stop in my tracks.

"Farther, I feel Bianca's presence around here. I don't know if her ghost is traveling around here, but could you check in the underworld." Nico asked.

It was the perfect time to reveal my identity. "Oh, yes son of Hades you are correct you sister is in the army," I said in a different voice but then changed for the last part. "She's right here!" I ripped off my cloak.

"B-Bianca!" Nico yelled, clearly stunned.

"Oh, Nico I missed you so much!" I ran over and hugged him.

"Bianca!" I turned and saw Hades staring tame wide eyed.

"Hi dad" I smiled up at him.

"Who are the rest of you!" Boomed Zeus.

"On three," Silena said.

"1 2 3" they all pulled off there hoods. Some gasps ran through the group of Olympians.

"Silena!" Squealed Aphrodite. She ran over and hugged her daughter.

After a few minutes of that from all of the Olympians. I walked over to Poseidon to talk to him.

"Do you know, about um . . ." I didn't know how to phrase this if he didn't know.

"About Percy." He finished. He smiled down at me. "I am glad he brought you guys back. You didn't deserve to die."

I smiled at him then walked back over to Nico.

"Today was a great day!" Nico whispered to me.

I looked at all of the Olympians talking to their sons and daughters and I silently agreed.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now