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As soon as we got to the next clearing Piper fell to the ground sobbing.

"Piper it will be okay," Hazel said in a soothing voice.

"No, it won't," Piper insisted. "I don't know why I even broke up with him. We were doing so well. 5 years together, 5 years, then I just ended it because I disagreed with him on something." Piper whined.

"No, Piper," Hazel said trying to calm her down. "He didn't trust you to hang out with other boys. He just got jealous and he shouldn't have."

"Yeah, he just got jealous, and I just go and dump him," Piper said. "I was the one who wanted this relationship to happen and I ended it."

"C'mon Piper, boys don't rule your life like the other Aphrodite girls," I said trying to make her feel better. "You are stronger than that, more powerful."

"Yeah," Piper said more confidently. She wiped the tears from her face. "You're right."

"So, where do we go?" Hazel asked.

I scanned the surroundings. It reminded me of when I was 14 and I was in the forest on the quest and we were looking for Annabeth and Artemis, but this time we were looking for Frank and we didn't have good trackers on our side like Grover. Grover! (Lightbulb goes off)

"I have an idea," I said, but the. I realized that if I did this I would show Hazel and Grover who I was. It might save Frank though. (Loyalty) "it will reveal who I am, just so you know."

"Do you really want to?" Piper asked.

Hazel looked back and forth between us. "Wait, Piper knows who you are?" She asked.

"Yes and soon you will to," I said.

Grover I thought Grover! Are you there, I need you, it's Percy. Can you meet me here, where I am right now, can you do that? I pleaded.

At first I got nothing, but then I heard Grover scream Percy! In my mind and I knew he was coming.

"Our tracker will soon be here," I said.

"But this person wasn't in the prophecy," Hazel said. She looked like she was trying to figure out a puzzle but she was missing a few pieces. And I was the puzzle.

"He will be able to help us find Frank, isn't that enought?" I reasoned.

I sat down and soon we all were. We waited for 10 minutes and still, nothing.

"When is the person com-" started Piper, but the she got cut off by a frantic, yet happy voice yelling, "I am here."

"Grover!" I yelled as a person with goat legs stepped out into the clearing.

"Percy?" He questioned.

Hazel gasped. I took off my hood and mask. Hazel and Grover ran over to me and hugged the life out of me.

"Percy, I'm sorry, so, so, sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said," Hazel apologized.

"Hazel, it's fine," I said, but was it really fine. I had protected everyone at camp Half-Blood. I thought of them as family. Then they go and stab me in the back, all for my evil, not brother, brother. Who was areally just a son of Hermes. I saw how everyone was acting with out me. Annabeth was a wreck, but she tried to hide it. Frank, Jason, and Leo were sad and some times they forgot about there act and started to show haw they really felt. Piper and Hazel were acting like there close brother died, well maybe I was a close brother to them. Hazel and Piper didn't try to hide how they felt. Some times they would cry. "I forgive you Hazel and Piper."

"Thak you," said Piper.

I looked up and saw a really guilty looking Grover. "You too goat boy," I said. He smiled.

"So what do you need my help for?" He asked.

"I need you to track down Frank Zhang son of Mars, do you know him?" I asked.

"Yes I do," he said then thought for a minute. "I will need something of his to track him down, does anybody have something of his."

Piper and I shook our heads. I looked over at Hazel and she nervously nodded her head, but then she looked down guilty.

"What is it?" Piper asked.

Hazel hesitantly moved her hand to her pocket and brought out a pouch, she reached her hand into it and took out a piece of firewood and held it out to Grover.

"Oh, no, no, no. We are not using that," I said and grabbed the firewood from Hazels hand.

"But thats the only way we will find him," Hazel pleaded.

"I just need one sniff every few miles," said Grover.

I looked over at Hazels pleading eyes and I reluctantly handed over the wood. Grover took and sniff and started running to the right.

"Firewood please," I said.

Grover handed it over as we were running to who knows where. We could be running into a trap, or something just as bad or worse. I don't even know whats worse than a trap. A deadly trap? I don't even know why I care about this, the gods abandond me, so did camp Half-Blood. Maybe I forgive some people, but do I forgive everyone? I don't know. What if we bump in to the people I won't forgive, and I'm not wearing my hood or mask. I quickly put it on.

"Uh, Percy?" Piper asked.

"What if I bump into someone who I don't want them to know my identity," I said and pionted at my hood.

"It's not that," Hazel said.

I turned and stood face to face with a giant.

"My name is Gration and you are offerings to Kronos," he said.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now