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In this chapter I'm going to switch between different points of view so the names are going to be bolded.


I decided the best way to keep people from thinking that I like someone else (and that person being Omega) was to keep talking about Percy being the lost one. Even when I talked about that I still tried to walk with Omega but Piper was always walking with him.

After we had to jump in random directions when the hydra shot poison at us we all met back up accept Frank and Leo. No one knew where they were so we decided to look. Omega went alone. Me and Jason went together. I made sure of it because I need to talk to him about Piper and Omega. Hazel and Piper went together.

Me and Jason walked through a path that was made by hikers. I stared up at the clouds and prayed hoping to get some advice from someone.

"Jason, did you see Piper and commander Omega hanging out?" I asked.

"Yeah, so?" Jason said.

"What if, you know, they end up together?" I said. I was really uncomfortable because he could find out my secret.

"I don't think Piper would do that because I've known her way longer and she doesn't even know who he really is."

"Yeah, I guess, I'll talk to you lated though" I said. I knew that was some good logic but I didn't know who he was and I kissed him and now we are going on a quest to maybe find my boyfriend that fell in Tartarus with me and I'm trying to get together with Omega. Wow Percy really doesn't deserve me.


The dreams have been bothering me. Kronos goads me to join his side but I say no. He said there is a new threat to both sides that will destroy first our side and then the giants and titans side. If I join them I will have a greater chance of survival.

When I have this dream which is mostly every night, I end up feeling a searing pain in the spot that killed me. I don't know why but I think I am finally figuring it out just like the dream said.

--------------------------------------------in dream-------------------------------------------------

I am in the dark. It is all black I can't see anything but then I hear a voice.

"Join me," it says. I can tell the voice is Kronos.

"No!" I yell back at it.

"You have no chance staying on that side." It says. "The new threat will attack you first."

"First of all, who is this new threat? And how do you know if it is going to attack us first?" I ask.

"The new threat is the forgotten god," he says.

"What?" I say, "is he just so old you can't remember him?"

"No, it is not that. It is just that we try to forget about him." I am still confused about who this guy is. "And even if he doesn't attack your side first then we will attack the group traveling on the quest."

"How do you know about the quest?" I ask.

"A certain son of Poseidon."

I know Percy would never do that and Kronos doesn't even know that Commander Omega is Percy. So, Daniel is the only other option. I hadn't seen Daniel in along time. He must have left to go see Kronos.

"Is he even a son of Poseidon?" I ask.

"No, he isn't. He is just a random son of Hermes. You sons of Hermes are very easy to get on to my side." He says. I squint through the darkness trying to see Kronos. "I have just gotten news that your quest group shall be traveling to the west, right into my monster camp. They have 1 week till I attack them."

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now