Task #4 (part 2)

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of me. It was my mothers workshop. An exact replica. I walked through it, running my fingers alone the work tables.

"Jason, Annabeth, can you believe this, it's my moms work shop," I said and turned around to look at them, but they weren't there. "Jason! Annabeth! Where are you?"

I suddenly felt a presence in my head, like the one before, you are alone, it said. Face your fears. Make it to the door on the other side of the workshop. You can only do it when you're calm.

Okay I'll do it, I thought back to him.

I started to walk forward, but then I saw it. The fire starting at the door. It made a wall preventing my to getting there. No problem, it's fire, I thought to my self, but I started to breath heavily.

This brought back bad memories. Of my mother dying in a fire caused by me. Gaea being the one behind that master plan, just made this worse. Because now she was coming back.

I took a step forward and put my had up to touch the fire. When my pointer finger touched the fire, it burned. I stepped back suddenly. Not expecting that.

"What's going on?" I asked no one.

Nothing happened and I started to freak out. What if I fail? What if I can't get back to my friends? What if I get stuck here forever? What if I die just like my mother?

"No, stop it!" I yelled to myself.

This is a joke, a sick joke. Rhadymanthus was trying to get inside my head and make my worst fear come true, but I was going to defeat this trick. I wasn't going to stop here, not now.

You can only do it when you're calm, that's what he said. Okay Leo, I thought to myself, think calm, smiley faces, rainbows, unicorns. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.

"Flame on!" I yelled and ran right through the flames.

I didn't feel any burning sensation, it just tickled. I smiled as I stared at the door.

"Booya, the fire master has done it again!" I yelled as I walked through the door.

It was black, then I saw a big flash and then black again.

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