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So first off I need to say that there is a new cover that was made made DoHBianca. I know what your thinking, why is it side ways? Well it was just so amazing and it doesn't fit the other way so I was like what ever and put it side ways. Don't judge, chef don't judge so you don't judge.


This time the fall wasn't as long. Instead of thousand of miles down, it was more like 3 feet. I was expecting more so I fell into the mud, of course Annabeth and Artemis stopped themselves from falling. So I was the only mud covered one.

Annabeth and Artemis smiled down at me even though we were in Tartarus. I could tell that Annabeth was about to cry though. Her eyes were all glassy looking and a single tear fell down her face.

I looked down at the ground and realized how stupid I was. How could I let Annabeth comment back here? It was a traumatic event the first time around, imagine this time. I had just been selfish, it was probably the first time I ever felt that way. I hadn't wanted to do this alone, so I let them come with me, now Annabeth could die and Artemis could get stuck down here since she couldn't die.

Annabeth made a little gasping sound sound that seemed like she was about to start crying. I looked up at her and looked the way she was looking. And then I saw it. A small cabin in the woods, or swamp, a tree with a Drakon skull on it.

"Damasen," I whispered, but Artemis heard.

"Wait, you mean the giant down here?" Artemis asked.

Annabeth nodded, "he helped us escape by sacrificing himself for us."

"Oh," she said and looked down, like she was mourning too.

"How about we rest in Damasen's house and then work out a plan to get out of here," I said, but my voice cracked when I said Damasen.

Artemis nodded and Annabeth just seemed lost in her memories, but she walked forward also. As we walked I noticed that Annabeth looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown, and that was probably the same for me. I was hyperventilating, but I wouldn't have said that out loud. I couldn't think properly, my only thought was, need to protect Annabeth, it was like I thought it was the first time we came here.

We finally made it to the of the house. Artemis opened it up and I felt a wave of sadness roll over me. It felt like I was about to fall over, but I steadied my self and tried to stop the tears from falling.

"Are you okay?" Artemis asked us.

Annabeth and I nodded, but on the inside I bet we were both screaming for help. The only ones who could stop the nightmares were each other, but since we aren't together they will probably come back. Then I thought back to when I left Annabeth, she was still having nightmares, her dreams must have tortured her.

"Let's have some food and then take a little rest," I said in a small voice, which matched how I felt.

Annabeth nodded and replied with a small, "yeah, the food is in the top cabinet."

"I'll prepare it, you guys just sit down and control your breathing," Artemis said as she moved towards the kitchen part of the house.

I moved over and sat down in one of the chairs. It was soft and it made me feel safer. I closed my eyes, and I saw fire and blood and corpses. I sat bolt upright and heavily breathed in and out.

"Percy," Annabeth said like she still couldn't believe it was me. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Good, um . . . Why did you not tell the camp who you were?"

"Because you guys left me and betrayed me, for my brother, who actually isn't my brother, Daniel," I said bitterly.

"Percy, we've really missed you, and we need you back at camp half-blood," Annabeth pleaded.

"I'm only coming back for this war and that's it, and anyway we might not make it back after this," I said.

Annabeth stayed quite and looked off in to the distance, no doubt thinking about things she didn't have right now.

"Here's some stew," Artemis said as she walked into the room we were in, balancing 3 bowls of stew in her hands.

"Thanks," I said as I took one, Annabeth said the same.

Thankfully we ate in silence, all of us stuck in our thoughts. I quickly finished the bowl of stew, it was warm and comforting and cozy.

"Sleep?" Annabeth asked after she finished her bowl.

"Sleep," I agreed.

I laid down in to the comfy chair I was sitting on, I closed my eyes and thought about, hanging out with the Chaos warriors, eating meals with them, playing games, pranking people, and training with them. And soon I was asleep.

Dreams. Of course there had to be a dream. I was walking through Tartarus. I started in the swamp and started towards the forest of curses and then I started to spot monsters heading in the same direction as me. I was now heading over a river and to the dark lands and then lastly I saw a Brass fortress and out side of it was a portal, it didn't seem completely open yet, but I could just make out a big blue farm house, Camp Half-Blood.

I found a way out.

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