Fight (part 2)

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I stared at the monsters. There were so many, they ranged from Scythian dracaenae to flesh eating horses. I decided to leave those to Percy. I looked to my left and saw a 7 Empousae. I started to move towards them, quickly and quietly. I started to sneak up behind them. They were talking about some weird stuff, but one of them was talking about getting her nails done after this, and I knew exactly who that was. Kelli, part time cheerleader and part time monster.

I pulled out my sword to attack them and then Kelli stiffened and started to turn slowly. Before she could make it all the way around I sliced 3 of the Empousae in half. Kelli screamed in anger.

"You will die painfully," she said and lounged at me.

I avoided her sharp claws as she tried to scratch me. I stumbled back trying to move away so I could regroup. Then I felt a presence and I realized Kelli was driving me right into another one of her friends. I needed to quickly. I took 3 more steps back, turned and swung me sword, and another Empousae was down.

"Get him!" Kelli yelled clearly annoyed.

The other 2 left ran at me, they didn't seem very good or very smart.

"Look!" I yelled and pointed to my right. I had to keep my self from laughing when I realized I had pointed at an hellhound doing its business.

"Ewwww!" They shrieked.

I quickly cut them in half. Kelli stomped her foot in frustration.

"Demigods always ruin everything!" She said.

Kelli looked at me skeptically. Then she smiled and turned into a regular looking girl, not the weird donkey, vampire, flaming hair thing she was before.

"Nico," she said sweetly. "C'mon I know you don't want to kill me. We could be BFF's. We could go shopping together and text each other. OMGs, put down that weapon. Sleep over tomorrow okay!"

"Yeah right," I said. "I do not want to be your BFF, I mean, I don't want to be your friend."

I ran up to her. She jumped back and turned back to the vampire look she had going on before.

"Fine!" She said. "It will be much more fun to just kill you!"

She started to slash her claws at me. I raised my sword and waited for her to get closer. One more step, I thought. She mover her foot forward and I brought down my sword. I stumbled back, holding onto my side. I brought my hand back up and looked at it. Blood was covering my hand. I looked up to try and find Kelli, but I found a satisfying mound of dust.

"Nico!" Someone yelled.

I looked over and saw Leo waving his hands up in the air as if calling me over. I ran over to him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"There's a portal," Leo explained. "Thats where all the monsters are coming from. You might be able to shut it."

"Okay," I said. "Where is it?"

"It's in that cave," Leo said and pointed to a cave that I hadn't noticed before because it was behind all of the fighting

"Let's go," I said.

I ran and dodged all the monsters that came at us. Sometimes I would have to stab one or decapitate one, but we made it to the cave unscathed.

"In here?" I asked.

Leo nodded. I walks into the cave making sure nothing followed us. I turned a corner and saw the portal. It was bright blue and purple. It swirled around.

"Okay," Leo said. "Do what you need to do."

"Leo I have no idea what this is, much less how to deactivate it," I said and turned back to it. Suddenly it started shaking. "What's it doinging?"

A hand gutted out of the portal. I jumped and took a step back. Then out came the body. I looked up at Hyperion, the Titan. I tried to turn back and run, but his hands grabbed Leo and I.

"Your not going anywhere," me said.

Hey, I have a new Annabeth one shot, for her birth day (that I totally forgot about) but check it out! And vote and comment and follow me!

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