Fight (part 4)

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I fought with the most strength I ever used. I cut, stabbed, and slashed monsters down. I attacked them with my sword and my gems. Piper fought beside me at times, then Leo, even Artemis. Right now Artemis and Annabeth were the ones fighting next to me.

I looked around and realized that we were the only demigods in this area of the fight, then I quickly spotted Piper and Jason going into a cave.

I turned my attention back to the Dracaenae I was fighting. My ankle throbbed from when I twisted it while attacking a hellhound. The dracaenae was a good fighter, but she fought like a Greek, which I didn't have much experience fighting.

I studied her moves trying to figure out where the weak spot was. She rose her sword to high and when ever she was about to bring it down she would wait a second. Perfect, I thought.

I waited until the dracaenae did it again. She started to raise her sword and I cut her stomach and she disintegrated. Then the next dracaenae came at me.

That's how I fought for the next half hour. Raise, slice, raise, slice, raise, slice. I did it so many times it must have been imprinted in my skull.

Sighed in relief when I saw Annabeth take down the last one. I sat on the ground and laughed a bit.

"Good job," Artemis said. "You are both fair maidens."

"Thanks," I said.

Annabeth looked around and said. "Do you know where everybody else is?"

I looked around and noticed that no one was around.

"I saw Piper and Jason go in that cave," I said and stood up.

"I don't think we should go there if they hadn't come out yet," Annabeth warned.

But I had already started walking towards it and they followed me. I had a bad feeling about this cave, but we had to try to get our friends back from what ever is happening to them. They could be being tortured or worse. They could be dead.

I tiptoed farther into the cave making sure I was being quiet. I rounded a corner and saw them, well everyone accept Percy. They kept shaking there heads, but I didn't listen.

"Guys," I said. "What's going on?"

"So great of you to join the party," said someone.

I slowly turned around and saw the Titan.

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