My fault

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It was my fault, again. I was the reason Percy, Annabeth, and Artemis were in Tartarus. If I had picked someone else, no I couldn't change who Iicked, it had been the right choice. If I had picked anybody different Jason, Annabeth, and I would have been stuck in that palace.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw them enter the pit of death. I closed my eyes trying to get rid of that image, but my thoughts were interrupted by a startled yelp from Hyperion.

I turned around and saw Nico holding his sword out and Hyperion on the ground. The dead's hands were sticking out of the ground and they grabbed Hyperion, pulling him into the earth. His yells started to get muffled as his head went under and soon he was gone. I glanced back up at Nico, he was steaming with anger, but he seemed to be holding back tears.

"Nico," Hazel said soothingly, trying to calm him down, but he had already Hulked out, it take him a while to get back to how he was before.

Nico breathed in and then came over to us and started to untie us from our bonds. Nobody said anything accept muttering thank you's to Nico. I stood up and rubbed my arms trying to make the rope burn not hut so much.

"What do we do now?" Jason asked as he was being untied.

"Go back to camp-half blood or-" Piper started saying, but was interrupted.

"Hello friends."

"Frank?" Hazel said in confusion.

"Not Frank," 'Frank' said. "Do I have to keep reminding you that my name is not Frank."

"What do you want?" Jason asked.

"To fight your best fighter, if they win I will leave the body of Frank Zhang I swear it on the river Styx," He said and swung his sword in circles, blocking the exit.

We looked at each other. It would probably be Jason or Nico. Nico looked like he hadn't slept in days because he summoned the skeletons. So Jason was our first pick. He seemed to be thinking the same thing because he stepped forward and pulled out his sword.

"I'll fight you," Jason said and raised his sword to stop an attack from 'Frank'.

Jason fought but tried not to hurt him, he seems to be trying to knock him out. Which was a good idea. 'Frank' fought with moves I didn't even know existed. He would twist and turn and hack and stab in one complicated move.

Jason, even if he was good, got pushed towards the portal that was closing slowly, but was still open. 'Frank' caught Jason off guard. And Jason almost toppled into the portal, but he caught himself. There came a yell of sadness and hatred, that came from, Hazel? Hazel ran forward and attacked 'Frank.' He had to stay on defense because Hazels attacks were fast. Much faster then anything I've ever seen. Then I noticed the black aura emitting off of her. The blessing of Pluto/Hades.

Hazel fought hard and with one quick strike, 'Frank' started to fall. But into the portal. Hazel made a wild grab for him, but it was to late. He tumbled into it and the portal closed around him.

"No!" She yelled.

Hazel started to blink back tears. She sat down sadly. Jason who was the closest to her, moved over to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He whispered thing s to her that only she would know, but she seemed to relax. I felt her pain, it was my fault that the others went to Tartarus and it is Hazels fault that Frank is going to Tartarus.

After a few minutes, Hazel stood up. She didn't seem like she was okay, but she said that they need to get moving.

"To camp-half blood?" I asked.

"Yeah," Nico agreed. "I'll show you guys how to get out of the underworld. We will end up in California."

"Were in California?" Piper asked.

"The path I'm taking will take us to Santa Barbra," Nico said. "Why?"

"My dad is shooting a movie there, I could probably get us a plane ride home if I contact him," Piper said.

"Good idea," Jason said.

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