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We had been walking for hours in complete darkness. It was boring and unnerving, I kind of wished a monster would just come out and attack us so I could actually do something.

"So, um, good job Frank," I said, trying to get my mind off the looming darkness surrounding us.

"Thanks," Frank said. "I guess it makes up for me being the forgotten god."

"That wasn't your fault, you should stop blaming yourself for that," I said, trying to make him feel better.

"You should take your own advice," Annabeth said, playfully.

"What was that supposed to mean," I asked her, she just laughed.

"You guys are making too much noise, you need to be quiet so I can tell when a monster is coming," Artemis scolded us in her way of saying shut up.

I didn't say anything else, I didn't want her to be more mad at me then she already was.

I wondered what was going on in camp half-blood, was it better then what was going on here, probably. Did the war start? Did the forgotten god get another body? Did anybody die? Stop thinking like that, I told myself.

"Percy, you okay?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, I didn't really want to share my thoughts, it might make everybody a bit more depressed then they already were. "Just thinking."

We walked for maybe another hour coming across small monsters that we easily killed. Nobody really wanted to stop, we all just wanted to get to the brass fortress as fast as we could. I remembered some of the places that we passed from my dream, but Artemis led the way, relaying on her godly instincts or something, but when she started to run fast I had a hope we were close.

"What's going on?" Frank asked as he jogged behind me.

"Is it a monster?" Annabeth asked from in front of me.

"Are we close to the fortress?" I asked, hoping I was right.

She nodded, and continued to run, faster and faster in till I could see it, it rose high above everything else, it was big and tall and red. Monsters were surrounding it. Regular monsters that I had faced before and then completely weird ones that only the Greeks and Romans could think up.

"There it is," I said, my eyes wide at what I saw.

Annabeth nodded, "wow, the architecture." I nudged her, "what?"

"Your still the same old wise girl," I said and smiled, she blushed at the nickname.

"Yeah, well," she said. "Your the same old seaweed brain."

"Okay," Frank said interrupting the awkward moment. "How do we get to the portal and where even is it?"

"We will use the moonshine to get us through the monsters lines," Artemis said.

I didn't really want to ask, but I didn't have to because Annabeth did for me, "what if it doesn't work?"

"Then it doesn't work," Artemis said. "You should be greatful I'm even helping you."

Percy had noticed that since he had said he didn't like Artemis she had become like a god again, putting mortals beneath her, she usually wasn't like that and it was all my fault.

"So where's the portal?" Frank asked again, I was thankful he interfered before that came a full on girl fight, I speak from experience, they aren't as funny as they sound.

"I feel it," Artemis said. "It's in the first room on the fortress if we go in the doors right up there," she pointed to what looked like the front doors.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now