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I ran away from the big blast as fast as I could. Piper was closely following behind me, but she was struggling because she had to half carry half drag Omega. I looked around and saw that Jason was the closest to us, the others were either behind, in front of us, or they took a different path.

"Jason!" I yelled. "Help Piper with Omega." He nodded then ran back to Piper.

With Jason's help Piper seemed to be doing a better job. They quickly caught up to me. We ran farther away from where the explosion happened, farther into the woods.

Once we got to a clearing Piper and Jason put down Commander Omega. I got a good look at his wound. It was really nothing accept that it knocked him out, but then I looked down and saw the blood coming out of a wound on his leg.

"What do we do?" Asked Piper in a panicky tone.

I'm not really a doctor but I've had enough injuries myself to be able to heal this minor wound.

"First clean it, then pour nectar on it, and finally wrap it up." I said.

I watched as Piper delicately healed the cut. I looked around and saw nothing out of order. Just trees and bushes. It was quiet, or as some people say, too quiet. A scream pierced the air cutting through the silence. It was familiar, it was Annabeth's.

"C'mon guys, we need to help them!" Jason said.

I looked over at the general area of where the scram came from trying to see the other questers.

"But what about P-Omega?" Piper seemed to catch herself on the name. Could it be that she knew who he was?

"You can stay with him and we will go to help the others out," I said

"Okay," Piper said.

Jason and I ran through the woods trying to find Annabeth or one of the others. I looked over at Jason, he seemed to be muttering something like, what a great girlfriend, hanging out with a random stranger for a whole day instead of your boyfriend.

"Jason, Piper would never leave you, she doesn't even know who this guy is." I said but I didn't know if she knew who he was. She seemed like she was about to say his name.

"Yeah, your right," he said but he didn't sound convinced. "She wouldn't just leave me like that."

We trudged through the woods in complete silence trying to hear something that will direct us to where we should head. Another scream ripped through the air. This one belonging to Leo. Jason started running without warning so I quickly followed him into another clearing like the one Piper and Omega were in right know.

In the middle of the clearing there was a fire. Over the fire there was a stick that slowly turned on its own. And on that stick there was a girl named Annabeth. Nothing else was in the clearing accept for a few random pieces of trash and wool. I ran up to Annabeth.

"What happened?" I asked.

"A laistrygonian," she said as Jason cut the ropes connecting her to the wood. She hopped down from it landing in a perfect summer salt then standing back up. "Hide in the woods, he will be back with the rest."

We ran over to the tree line and hid behind one, waiting for the laistrygonian giant. We heard another scream, this time Frank. My heart broke when I heard that, but I quickly got back on guard when I heard foot steps getting closer to us. I saw the eight-foot-tall cannibal come out from the woods holding Leo and Frank by their feet.

"Where is dinner?" Asked the laistrygonian when he saw that Annabeth was missing.

"At least Annabeth got away," whispered Frank.

"Well, what about us?" Commented Leo.

The laistrygonian dropped Frank and Leo on to the ground and you could hear the moaning coming from them. The laistrygonian turned around and sorted through, what I thought was trash but was actually really old vegetables.

"I'll distract it and you guys go in for the kill." Jason said, putting on his leader voice.

Annabeth and I nodded. We all slowly walked closer to the monster trying not to make a sound. When Jason got close enough for the laistrygonian to see him, he started to yell insults at him. Annabeth and I continued in our slow procession towards the monster.

Jason walked closer to the monster pretending to try to hit him with his sword. I looked over at Annabeth for the signal of when to attack. She waited a few more seconds but then nodded to me.

I ran forward getting ready to hit him but at the last second I jumped into the air and raised my sword up and hit the laistrygonian in the head. It soon became monster dust and Annabeth and I fell to the ground in a less than perfect landing.

"Good job!" Jason said to us as we ran over to Leo and Frank.

"Thanks," I said, but I knew this was nothing compared to what we would go through later on, this was just the beginning of the quest.

My Name is Omega, Not Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now