EP33: Energy Base...

43 3 9

Muraku: " Arata! Oi Arata!"

He snapped his fingers in front of the widened blue eyes. The boy had been like that since he heard the news, not responding to anything.

Arata: " I..."

Haruki: " the one ranked as the top player is you!"

Arata: " I'm the 1st ranked in the Second World!"

Arata finally shouted exotically.

Muraku : " not for so long."

Muraku said folding his arms across with a sigh.

Arata: " eh!"

Muraku: " regarding all the things that you had achieved, we the council decided to give you the 1st rank while you weren't there. But as soon as you will get back. You will have to battle the 2nd ranked to conserve your rank, else your rank will be dropped. And you will have to battle the next ranked one till you win to settle your rank."

Arata: " I won't lose to anyone!"

He had confidence in his look. Muraku merely smirked defiantly.

Muraku: " even if you managed to conserve your own rank. I will climb up and pull you down."

Arata: " you're welcome to try!"

He said taking in the challenge, but they were all cut off as the door opened with a whoosh, revealing a fuming Yagami.

Yagami: " I found someone hiding at the back of the ship."

He said holding up a certain pinkette by the collar. Momona on the other hand had a sheepish laugh when everyone looked back at her.

 Momona on the other hand had a sheepish laugh when everyone looked back at her

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" M-Momona !"

Mano: " she managed to get on the jet without us noticing!"

Mano sighed and face palmed while the other two nudged further from their leader.

Sendou: " why would you?"

Momona: " I want to help too!"

She struggled until she managed to get off Mano's grip.

Momona: " please don't take me back! I want to fight alongside you!"

Kirito: " this is not a game! It's a dangerous fight!"

Momona: " I know! And I'm not afraid to take place in it!"

Yagami sighed as he looked at the girl and then check his CCM for time.

Yagami: " we can't go back for now. Let's return to Tokio City then decide what we should do."...

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