EP8: Mizel O-Legion...

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They did it, or so what they had thought...

Ban and Hiro ran off to the four of them.

Hiro: " Guys!"

Elie: " Onii-chan!"

Jessica: " Ban! Hiro!"

Ban: " we were able to protect Tokio City thanks to everyone's help."

Jin: " yeah, that's great!"

Ban: " Elie too, you did well!"

The brunette blushed.

Jessica: " your lil' sis is pretty strong, Ban."

" You humans really want to get in my way."

Elie: " this voice..."

Hiro's eyes widened as he looked up.

Hiro: " that's..."

Ban: " Mizel Trouzer!"

Mizel: " you're bugs that have broken out of the Perfect World. Bugs need to be eliminated immediately."

Mizel Trouzer launched its lance, when it hit the ground, it caused a strong explosion.

Ban: " watch out!"

He quickly covered his sister who hugged him tightly. There was a burst of air that followed the explosion and a bright light.

When it all faded, Ban turned around and sighed in relied when he saw everyone were fine.

Ban: " are you alright!"

He looked down at his sister who had her eyes wide in fear.

Elie: " the city..."

He looked back and their eyes widened when they saw what was left of Tokio City.

Sadly LBXs can't express feelings, because if they were, Twilight should have its eyes wide in fear at what just happened in front of it.

Inspecting the damage done to the city, and possibly thinking of how many poor souls could have been taken, Eva started to have second thoughts. Is that what she wanted? It that who she really is? They may not accept her, nor welcome her as a human, but was she really willing to erase them just like that?

Ban: " Everyone?!"

Takuya: " we've confirmed everyone are fine."

They sighed in relief before O-Legion took over their screens, but it wasn't the one they were familiar with.

Mizel: " to all mankind."

Mizel's voice came out.

Mizel: " Surrender to me."

Takuya:" surrender?!"

Mizel: " 24 hours... I will give you 24 hours. That's the longest I will defer. However, if you do not surrender within that time limit, I'll force reset the Earth along with all humans. You know very well why Mizel Trouzer hasn't attacked yet, right? Seto 50 is inside it. If you make any strange movement, it can destroy everything in one moment."

Jun'ichirou: " no way..."

Haruka: " Mizel is O-Legion..."

Mizel: " yes, I'm this LBX. Mizel O-Legion."

Their eyes widened as they looked down at their CCMs' screens.

Mizel: " I anticipate mankind's prudent decision."

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