EP59: Brinton...

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Evangeline: "why didn't you bring it up, Mi?"

The green head looked back at her.

Mizel: " bring what up?"

Twilight : " come on, you know about it, I doubt Kirito didn't tell you."

Evangeline : " what Hiro pulled today... It was like... If he could see the enemy's future moves. What was that? It's beyond the overload."

Kirito and Mizel exchanged looks.

Mizel: " sis, listen, this is not confirmed yet, so you have to keep quiet about it."

Evangeline blinked at his serious tone.

Kirito: " you know the basic of the overload, right?"

Evangeline : " a jump in the mind's functionality and all that. Yeah, what about it?"

Mizel: " such jump can be considered dangerous. It can cause a detrimental impacts on the brain if someone can't handle it."

Evangeline : " I know that t-"

Her eyes widened in realization.

Evangeline : " what if they can?"

Kirito took the talking from there.

Kirito: " I'm sure you know about what happened with Arata in Kamui Island. The side effect it had on him was enhancing his hearing."

Evangeline nodded her head, waiting patiently for him to continue.

Kirito: " this is just a theory we have, it's not set in stone yet. But since the overload is some kind of jump in brain functions, it may mean that once getting used to it, the brain may actually unlock some special features we can only dream of."

Twilight : " like seeing the future..."

Kirito nodded.

Kirito: " we've confirmed from Professor Oozora and Mirai that Hiro didn't have such ability when he was a kid. It developed much later."

Mizel: " the overload may enhance the brain's functionality, making humans develop special powers unheard off. If it's true, and if word of it got out..."

Eva gulped at the though that crossed her mind.

Evangeline : " countries will once again resume their studies on the overload regardless of the side effects."

Kirito clicked his tongue.

Kirito: " add to it that only young people can develop overload. So..."

Evangeline : " hundreds of children will be experimented on."

It wasn't something she didn't know. The adult's brain which got used to pressure can't activate overload. It can only be activated at young age. Children were eventually used before to study it but the researches stopped for the dangerous after effects. And if it was known that overload actually could bring fantasy like abilities.

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