EP 109: A Decision Made By Everyone...

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  From the areas that suddenly had Big Tank and Rafflesias appearing from thin air was the very Kamui island. How they appeared and what they were meant to do was yet a mystery for the occupants of the island. However, their appearance made it clear that they were up to no good.

Everyone had rather evacuated the main town and scurried as far as possible from where the mecha huddled by the shores. Kamui Daimon's students didn't approach them at all, rather kept watch from afar.

" They're not moving at all."

Mikhail muttered as he passed the binoculars to Haruki to take a look. From their vantage on top of the school, they could almost see the whole army from there.

Kageto: " we're not the only ones with huge mechanical weapons pointed at us."

Kageto pointed as he skimmed through his CCM.

Kageto: " seems the whole world has the same problem."

Vanessa: " you think it's him, the one Muraku and the others have been fighting for so long?"

Haruki: " the timing proves that. No sooner than that Leviathan guy declaring war on humanity than those things manifesting on our shores."

" Haruki!"

They looked back at the door through which came a rather panicked Yuno. Her green eyes flicked momentarily to the shores of the island before meeting the eyes of their class rep.

Yuno: " almost everyone had evacuated to the territory behind the school, however, they're still worried about these things going off all of a sudden."

Vanessa clicked her tongue at that.

Vanessa: " they still didn't budge a millimeter."

Mikhail: " we should probably ask the headmaster for a full-scale evacuation."

He suggested, leaning back on the fence.

Yuno: " you mean have us leaving the island?"

She cocked her head curiously at him.

Haruki: " that won't do."

Haruki interrupted.

Haruki: " we don't have the means to do so. And Even if we do, even the mainland is in utter chaos right now."

Kageto stared longingly at his CCM before speaking up.

Kageto: " we have another option."

He said turning around his CCM so everyone could see what he was watching. It was the same video that was played back for Seekers at Tiny Orbit which showed the multiple fights taking place all over the world.

Vanessa: " you're not suggesting that we fight them, are you?"

She kept looking back and forth between Kageto and especially the large tank with its muzzle pointed in their direction. Seeing his dead serious look, she snapped.

Vanessa: " are you kidding us?! There is no way our LBXs could take on that thing!"

Haruki had taken Kageto's CCM and had been mulling over the video with one hand on his chin. So long, he had to agree that fighting wasn't an option for them.

Kageto then tried to elaborate his point more.

Kageto: " listen, the vaccine program you had been given by Jin-san and the others, apparently an upgraded version of it is circulating around the net."

He said retrieving his CCM and sweeping through as though to make sure.

Kageto: " the version has been uploaded by the Hackers' Army, and will be enabled for only the coming 48 hours."

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