EP52: Gundam Club...

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In a park not far away, a young boy was having a battle with the other older kids. All the kids backed in fear as the boy's Mad Dog finished off all of their LBXs and left nothing behind.

" Tsk, such weaklings. I need more! I want to battle someone much stronger!"

He was pissed off as no one has the spunk to walk to him. He tugged away his LBX and placed his hands in his pockets as he turned to walk away when suddenly his CCM vibrated. As he took it out, a smirk formed on his lip.

" Finally a strong opponent had shown itself..."...



Hiro: " here we're!"

The blunette announced happily while holding his hands dramatically at the huge building standing in front of them.

Everyone else blinked in surprise at the many people out there.

Lilyan: " I didn't expect to see this much people here!"

Ban: " this whole building is their club!?"

He asked to confirm since the building had already more than ten floors.

Mirai : " Gundam is actually a pretty famous anime to the point that it has many seasons each with a different story and has a lot of fans all over the world. It's only natural for their main fan club to be such huge."

Kirito couldn't care less, merely opening the coke can Mirai bought him as promised and drinking it.

Hiro snapped when he realized the red head wasn't near them anymore, only to spot her trying to sneak away.

Hiro: " Ran-san!"

Ran shivered as she looked back at him.

Ran: " I was found out."

Hiro: " it's no good Ran-san! Don't forget our main mission here!"

Mizel: " let's go. The sooner we get the driver the better. For all we know, they may send some LBXs after us."

Mirai: " if that possibility is high, why didn't we bring the others with us?"

Ban: " moving in a large group would attack even more attention, that's why, Takuya-san is trying to keep the members limited.

Jessica: " sounds just about right. So, where to find this driver thing?"

Hiro: " most likely on the Gundam Age's floor."

He said as he dragged an annoyed Ran back to the group.

Hiro: " we have to look for the building's map inside to find it."

Kirrito: " then, lead the way, you Otakus."

They all followed both Mirai and Hiro inside. As they were walking through the large floor, they couldn't hide their amazed looks at the plastic models of the mobile suits presented out there. Ban even stopping once or twice to admire them.

Ban: " they're amazing! All those details!"

He murmured. Mirai smiled, of course anyone who is interested in LBXs will be amazed by such work.

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