EP43: Master Command...

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Elie and Ban were the first to finish off Inbit and head forward to the center of the large room. Just as anticipated, the black LBX was there with tentacles like wires hooked to one of the huge black boxes in the server room.

Ban and Elie took a step backwards as they both knew the LBX may aim at them.Ikaros and Beargguy on the other hand stepped forward to face off the other robot and ensure their players' safety.

Master Command's attention shifted to them. Its wires finally detached from the box and it held up its Gatling rifle. With a glimmer of its visor, the LBX started shooting both Ikaros and Beargguy.

Both LBX backed before the pink one summoned its beam sword, deflecting the shoots with it.Ikaros shielded himself with his shield while waiting for a a chance to charge. They both barely held their grounds as the shots sped up more. The red aura overwhelming the black LBX became thicker by the time.

Ban clicked his tongue from his spot behind one of the mainframes there.

Ikaros: " Ban! What should we do!"

The gears in his head were spinning fast as to try and find a way out of that predicament. Meanwhile, Master Command was heading forward with steady steps and brought out a sword with its free hand while still shooting. Beargguy was eventually obliged to shield with Ikaros.

Ban: " everyone! Aren't you done there yet?!"

He asked while hopping that he can get help. Unfortunately, the others had to deal with back ups of Inbits, obliging them to stay put in their places.

Master Command finally engaged with both LBXs into a close range fight. Swinging its sword around in an attempt to slice them. Ikaros and Beargguy were cornered. If they get too close they will be sliced. If they back the other LBX will shoot at them.

Lilyan: " Hissatsu Function!"

" Attack function: Grand Wall!"

A sphere of energy slammed against the LBX, blowing it of its feet and sending it flying away. Jin and Lilyan quickly ran to where Ban and Elie were hiding, much to their relief.

Elie: " I thought you were cornered by the Inbits?!"

The blonde woman shrugged.

Lilyan: " since I figured you and Ban-kun will be needing help, we decided to leave our share of Inbits to Gouda and the others and head here to help you."

Ban sweat dropped at her way of thinking.

Ban: " so you led the LBXs to them."

Zenon: " it's standing!"

He warned them as the other robot stood to its feet.

Lilyan: " can't they stay down when we hit them!"

She groaned.

Master Command held up the Gatling rifle, raining down bullets on the four LBXs. Unicorn's jets detached themselves and flew in front of them, shielding them.

Jin: " we have to do something about the rifle!"

Ban thought for a second before he exchanged looks with Elie. The brunette then nodded her head at her brother.

Ban: " Jin, Lilyan, I will leave finishing blow to you."

They both blinked in confusion, wondering what was he thinking off. He typed on the CCM, Ikaros acknowledged the order and jumped up.

Master Command's attention shifted to him and rose its rifle to shoot him down. Though he tried to shield himself, still he took a few shots.

While destructed by Ikaros, Elie and Beargguy took the chance to charge forward. Master Command only realized the pink LBX when he was pretty close to it. Beargguy's arm boosters activated and the joint stretched.

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