EP38: Need help...

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It has been a week since LBXs started rampaging in N City. A whole week during which Ban and the others were struggling with the attacks issued against them. They had been working with the Fire Sweet to push the enemy back and hardly got time to even wipe the sweat off their brows.

When they finally managed to librate the city center and the whole area around NICS. People were huddled in there to keep them safe while the fights were held faraway in the city.

The Fire Sweet had build barricades around the safe area to assure the rampaging LBXs won't reach there and to keep people secure. Once their base had been secured, Ban and the rest could finally have a break...



President Claudia was on the other end of the video call that Kaios ran.

Kaios: " we can't reach out to any of the neighbor countries. We've been isolated."

Claudia nodded in understanding.

Claudia : " I know that. I'm working hard to figure out how to get back the communication. Please continue protecting our people."

Kaios nodded before the call ended.

Jun'ichirou : " it will be hard."

He muttered out with a scrunched face. So far, the situation wasn't promising at all.

Kaios: " I know. Only Ban-kun, Yuuya-kun and Elie-kun are able to stand in front of those LBXs. We didn't find anyone else with the same abilities in N city. I feel we're putting a lot of pressure on them, but we don't have any other choice."...

At one of the barricades...

Ban and Lilyan manged to push back the enemey's forces. When the area was clear off of any unit, Odin returned back to Ban.

Odin: " we can't continue like this."

Ban exhaled tiredly as he inspected his surrounding.

Ban: " I know, but do you have any other proposition?"

The blonde next to him could sense how much tensed he was. She could not blame him, for the whole week, he had been pushing himself too far what's with the enemy's frequent attacks.

Lilyan: " we're only able to take them one after the other like this."

Ban narrowed his eyes at the destroyed city around them.

Ban: " I can't believe LBXs were the ones who caused this damage. Once again, they're being used  by bad guys."

Lilyan looked down at his fist clenching. She knew she had to do something and her hands wrapped around his fist.

Lilyan: " Ban-kun, we will find out whoever is behind those attacks, and we will make sure they get the punishment they deserve."

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