EP92:A Treachery...

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Aya sat by Mizel's side, cleaning some armor parts as he tuned her LBX. Lillia decided to pick a table slightly far away from them, however, her eyes were fixed on the green head Mizel could have sworn he was probably on fire by now from the glares she was giving him.

Mizel: " you know..."

Aya looked up when he spoke up, slightly surprised for she had seen him go hours without uttering a word.

Mizel: " I was wondering why you seem to trust me."

Aya: " huh?"

Mizel's eyes finally locked with her brown ones.

Mizel: " frankly speaking no one would trust the person who tried to claim the world. However, you seem cool with me around. Why?"

Aya blinked and a sigh escaped from her pink CCM.

Kämpfer: " that's her nature..."

The young woman chuckled sheepishly and then turned to Mizel.

Aya: " well, everyone deserves a second chance don't they."

She smiled softly as she returned to cleaning.

Aya: " you may think I'm naive, literally everyone else does, but I really can't stand it. When people can't trust each other, when they doubt each other and only expect harm from them, it becomes suffocating. I don't want to live a life reigned by doubt and mistrust, it only makes you see the worst in people. I can't even call it life. So I'm trying to give them a chance. It goes for you too."

Mizel's brow rose at her wide smile and returned back to his work.

Mizel: " you won't live long with those naive believes of yours."

Aya cackled with a sweat drop.

Aya: " as I thought..."

Yet, her smile didn't waver.

Aya: " but sometimes, it's all what it takes, for some people to change, they only need one person to trust them."

Mizel's eyes flicked back to her momentarily before looking at the LBX. He didn't know why, but he felt like he could relate to that.

Kirito: " here you are."

The blond walked into the hall with a frown and headed towards Mizel and Aya's table.

Kirito: " Aya, Lillia, we need to head to Takuya's office. Mizel, go wake Eva."

Mizel's eyebrow quirked up at his stern tone.

Kirito: " it's really serious."

Mizel nodded as he passed a finished Kämpfer to Aya whose eyes shot wide.

Aya: ' eh! He finished it up that quickly!'

The green head left to fetch Eva while Aya and Lillia stood up to follow Kirito...



The Killer Droids they had faced afterward weren't that much trouble given that they had been older models they delt with once. However, it was quite bothersome that they were in large numbers. But they managed to pull through.

Currently, Ruri squatted on the ground, fixing the LBXs which retained the most damage after their last fight.

Ruri: " thankfully I've brought my kit and some extra parts. Else we would have been obliged to pull back."

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