EP 44: Evil plans...

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Sure enough for them, the number of L Virus cases had declined since they took back the communication.

It's true that there were a lot of players that had been brainwashed and targeted other people's lives, but they were soon stopped by NICS' members.

The situation was getting better, or so what it seemed...



As soon as Hakai-O was destroyed, the blond boy fainted.

Yuuya ran to check on him while Jin called for the Fire Sweet. Soon, they came to pick up the kid.

Jin and Yuuya looked at the direction the Fire Sweet's van went in and the latter sighed.

Yuuya: " why are they dragging them into this? They have nothing to do with this fight."

Jin's eyes narrowed at that, he was actually asking the same question for quite a while. Yuuya, Ban, his friends and even him, at a certain point they didn't choose to follow down the path of fights. They were dragged to participate, much like those brainwashed kids.

He wondered, had his grandfather not asked him to retrieve the Platinum Capsule years ago, would he live his life without knowing about the truth of the world and finding himself dashing each time crises happen?

Had Dr.Yamono not entrusted his son with the Platinum Capsule, it could have been that he and his sister are chasing after their dreams without worrying about the world's safety, like any other teenager their age.

Had Yuuya not been used as an experiment, he could have found a family to adopt him and he would live happily, not obliged to follow after him in all these battles.

From the start, they weren't given a choice. And after that, they found themselves dashing to fight again and again as they knew it was wrong to keep a closed eye while knowing of what was happening.

The more he thought about it, the more he found himself agreeing with Seredy despite everything. Maybe it was better to just leave the battlefield while it was possible.

Jin kept silence the whole time as he was diving into his own thoughts, worrying both Yuuya and Zenon.

Yuuya halted as he cocked his head back to the other man.

Yuuya: " Jin-kun, is something bothering you?"

The red eyes looked up at the long black haired man in front of them.

Jin: " it's nothing."

Yuuya: " you know you can talk to us if you're worried about something."

Jin managed to force a smile.

Jin: " Yuuya, I'm really fine."

Yuuya's eyes then went to Zenon for confirmation. If anyone is close to Jin enough these days, it should be him.

The robot looked away, something that made Yuuya narrow his eyes.

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