EP31: Grand Master...

40 4 13

The gondola made its way across the dimly lit Second World. Kirito and Fenrir could glimpse the crater in the ground where their destination was.

Fenrir: " we're getting closer."

Kirito: " we should be able to access the lost Area easily this way. All we need is to hack the system."

Fenrir: " hope nothing goes wrong."

Kirito: " you and me both."...



Arata: " Momona..."

The girl looked up from her LBX and at the red head in front of her.

Arata: " why did you choose to join this school?"

Her eyes sparkled in determination as she pointed up the screw like some weapon.

Momona: " I want to be a pro LBX player!"

Arata chuckled.

Arata: " same as me."

The girl fidget in her seat slightly.

Momona: " actually, as you see. I'm a klutz. There was nothing that I did which would end up right. But when I first started playing LBXs, it was the only thing I did right. It was like, I found myself in playing and battling against others. It was so fun. That's why, I decided to walk down the path of LBXs till its end. Because it's the only thing I can do."

Arata smiled softly at her.

Arata: " you somehow remind me of myself. Even I, I couldn't settle down on a hobby until I played LBXs. When I first held my Warrior, it felt like this is what I'm supposed to do."

Momona looked at him with sparkling eyes that Arata felt uneasy.

Momona: " senpai's story is touching."

Arata: " it's not really that touching..."

He said with a sweat drop.

Arata: " take care down there."

She held up her thumb.

Momona: " don't worry, senpai."

"War time will begin in 20 seconds. All players, prepare for battle."

Arata: " it's your cue. You should get going."

Momona: " right!"

She jumped to her feet and ran off, before she left, she turned back to Arata.

Momona: " Senpai, I will make sure to fight on your behalf as well."

And she ran off. Arata managed a small smile at that. He took out the head part of Achilles Deed and looked down at it.

" You can't bear not being able to go down, right?"

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