EP91: Garshield's Layout...

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The cars were left parked by the side of the highway while the SP Fixers, lead by Touko, and the LBXs players proceeded on foot through the rough mountain roads.

Ran: " are we sure he is here?"

She extended her hand, helping a struggling Hiro up.

Ran: " I mean, we all know he is the kind of person to not want dirt on his brand new shoes."

Touko took a pair of binoculars and searched the vicinity.

Ryan: " nothing is there."

He stated once he was met with the site of extended mountains and sky. There was nothing peculiar about the scene in front of him. However...

Touko: " take a second look."

She said passing the binoculars to him with a serious tone. Ryan rose an eyebrow but he did look through them and his mouth fell almost immediately.

Ryan: " this is..."

Jin: " what's the matter?"

He passed on the binoculars again.

Jennifer: " based on your reaction, it should be hidden by a hologram or something."

Ryan: " well, not actually a hologram."

Jin: " it's built within a mountain."

He said pointing at one of the mountain not far from where they stood.

Ban: " how do we get in? I see no doors."

He took his turn to peer through the binoculars.

Touko turned to one of her men who had passed her a tablet which she swiped through.

Touko: " we scanned the mountain, it seems there's a hidden way."

She handed back that tablet and took the vunguard.

Touko: " we have first to get closer. I'll be leading you in case of any traps. Follow after me and execute caution. No tell what traps they had set."

Everybody nodded as they formed a line behind her. Two men of the SP Fixers stood at the very back for extra protection upon her order before they trudged their way towards the base...



Jessica walked over to the older man with an unnerved pout.

Jessica: " they can't find anything so far. I can't believe they had just escaped from under our noses."

Jack inhaled deeply, he too wasn't glad at all with the upturn of the events.

Jack: " let's continue searching. The more information we find about them the more we can help Seekers back in Japan."

Unbeknown to them a certain white haired young man was laughing out loud while hearing their conversation.

Knight: " you're credulous if you think we would leave any of our important data for you."

He typed on the screen of the tablet and a count down of 5 minutes started.

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