EP90: Irony...

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The smooth music filled the room, slightly covering the clinking of the metal hitting on the plates and the low chatters from people around the restaurant.

" I see. So far, you've been doing a great work, Eva."

The man praised the woman by his side who gave a coy smile. She brushed back her black hair.

Eva: " I told you chief, I'm your woman when it comes to profits. Just leave the budget to me."

" I belive I can leave the whole country to you if I want."

Eva's sneer widened by his comment as she reached for her tea and sipped it. So far, her work was proceeding very well. Despite what she heard about what happened to their other members, she didn't bother worrying. No one was better than her in slipping away. She was always the one who covers for the others' mistakes and slips.

Eva : ' men are so dump...'

She thought to herself. Her eyes suddenly widened as she let go of her cup and the liquid poured down on the table and her clothes, startling her guests.

She didn't give it a thought and grasped the napkin, trying to force out what she had swallowed.

Eva: " hurry and call an ambulance...!"

She called out warily before she felt smothered and fell to the ground in front of everyone. The last thing she heard were the screams of the waitress before she was completely out...



Jessica bit on her lip as she entered the room where Yagami was and whispered something in his ear. His eyes shot wide open at the news and then flicked back to the man on the other side of the table. So far, the head of Crysta Ingram wasn't the least bit cooperative, nor was he thankful for the effort they had done to save his life.

Yagami: " we were just informed. Another member was poisoned in Dubai."

If he felt anything upon hearing the news, he did well hiding it.

Reiji: " so... Eva is dead?"

He said frostily, carefully gauging their reaction. Jessica was the one to answer, seeing how she was well informed of the situation.

Jessica: " her fate hasn't been decided yet. They're saying her situation is critical. The poison actually managed to damage her nerves badly. She is under tight supervision."

Her voice was steady and calm although inwardly she was livid at how fast their enemy was striking.

Yagami exhaled as he sat down on the chair again.

Yagami: " you can't fool yourself. You know the situation isn't in your favor at all, nor it is in ours as a matter of fact. Unless you cooperate and give us the information we want. I'm afraid all of you will be down."

Reiji : " we're already all down..."

He spoke up, much to Yagami's surprise.

Reiji: " all is left is that man. And let's face it, without all of us, he can do nothing. It shows just how strong, yet weak, we're at the same time."

Jessica squinted her eyes at him.

Jessica: " you're talking about the head of CIS, aren't you?"

Reiji: " who else? He is the only one left out there. And the World Savers are playing around and left him to the very end, so just to traumatize him."

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