EP113: Climax...

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As their feet carried them as fast and far away as they could, they struggled not to rear their heads back. It was as if they knew that, once seeing what was happening behind them, the fights raging at the very back, they would be abandoning their mission and heading to rescue their friends. But Kirito kept them moving onward, not allowing them the slightest chance to even mull over things.

What disturbed their rhythm however was the abrupt halt of the two at the very back of their group. Ryan and Jennifer stood still as though rooted to the ground, looking around uneasily with sharp eyes, their LBXs flying above them, ready to lunge at anything that moves.

Jin: " what's the matter you two?"

Ryan: " you guys move on!"

Jennifer: " we'll defend you from here! You focus on getting to the mansion!"

They said before turning around, springing down the other side of the street.

Elie: " wait!"

Kirito then grabbed her by the shoulder, preventing her from chasing after them.

Kirito: " we don't have time!"

He reminded them, urging them to run forward. With so much reluctance, they obliged and sped down the road once more while a few blocks from them, Jennifer and Ryan came to a halt right as armored topes fell upon them from the sky.

Astray: " just as I told you!"

Zeon: " apparently some of them managed to sneak past the first team."

She murmured as Ryan fastened his goggles tighter.

Ryan: " whatever the reason, we're not letting them past this point!"

Jennifer: " ah!"



Kazu: " we're not letting you get through!"

Asuka: " we'll protect our future with our own hands!"

Kazu&Asuka: " Hissatsu Function!"

" Attack Function: Photon Blast!"

Achilles Deed shot a compressed ball of energy which dispersed into an explosive strong storm of gale that knocked Rafflesias into each other.

" Attack Function: Devil Soul Swarm!"

Vampire Cat Called forth to three great winged shadows, each of them unleashing a swarm of minions as the Rafflisas and blowing them.

Asuka: " Yosha!"

Jessica &Touko: " Hissatsu!"

" Attack Function: Side Winder 12!"

" Attack Function: The Tower!"

A combination of raining missiles and striking lightning kept the advancing enemies at bay while the rest dealt with them.

Gouda: " you're mistaken if you think you can get past us! Hissatsu! Luminous Cannon!"

Ruri: " you're all meeting your end here! Impulse Blast!"

Hakai-O's beam transfixed the force shied of the tanks, while Valkyrie, who was riding the Hell Fire, tore their armor apart with compressed energy bombs, revealing the motors beneath them.

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